Vacation : Marseille (Part 1)

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Europe » France » Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur » Marseille
November 3rd 2008
Published: November 3rd 2008
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1: 40 secs
The next morning Kristi and I woke up early - as was the case this trip - and Vince slept in. I went for a run to see the train times since we had to check into the hostel in Marseille between 10-12 and then we gathered up our stuff and went to the station. Turns out there was a train leaving right when we got there and we sprinted to get on. The train was pulling away as we found seats. the ride was short but the walk was fairly long when we got to Marseille. We weren't sure what to expect at this hostel as we'd read it was just an apartment where a guy had put bunk beds in most of the rooms and charged people to stay. We rang the bell three times before someone let us in...

The hostel was just what we expected - we were in a room of 6 with Kristi and Vince on small cots, me in a lofted bed, an Australian guy in the bottom bunk, an Irish girl on the middle bunk, and a German girl on the top bunk. We didn't stay long because we had a lot
Port in marseillePort in marseillePort in marseille

On another gross and gray day...
of sights to see. We went to the tourism office first and got a city map...on the way there we found a beautiful cathedral and ran inside to escape the rain (yes, it was still freezing cold and rainy). We decided to go to the Memorial of the Death Camps first which is where I most wanted to go (I wrote my French senior thesis on the holocaust and it's effects in France). I found it very moving and in the typical French style; they try to make you feel the fear and sadness felt in the concentration camps. Afterwards we walked to the Cathedrale de la Major which is a Roman-Byzantine cathedral built during Napolean's reign. It was prettier on the outside than on the inside but I enjoyed it. Next we walked to the Vielle Charite which is an archaeological museum that was hosting a Van Gogh/Monticelli exhibit that Vince wanted to see. We saw Van Gogh's self portrait and many other important works of art (it's not my thing so I really can't expand on that experience). I wanted to see the rest of the museum but there was only one other room open - the Egyptian room. It was very interesting and we saw a real mummy...the body inside the coffin which I've never seen. To finish the cold day of walking we went to the Abbaye St. Victor who's crypt is among the oldest Christian sites in Europe. On our way it began to rain and this continued the entire night. For dinner, Kristi really wanted to eat seafood so we walked around for aout 1/2 hour looking for somewhere good but cheap and ended up choosing a restaurant we'd passed in the begining of our search. I didn't eat any seafood (although I've been eating a TON of fish since I got here). Kristi tried a bunch of snails/oysters for her appetizer and she didn't like them - but she ate them anyways! The meal was fabulous and we walked back to the hostel content but COLD! I kind of got us a little lost on the way home but fortunately we stumbled upon the Palais du Longchamp which was absolutely beautiful at night - all lit up. We took some pictures and video and then found our way back to the hostel. Once there, we met the owner who was really nice and then went to bed hoping for nice weather...

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Cathedrale de la MajorCathedrale de la Major
Cathedrale de la Major

View from the back

4th November 2008

Great Pictures
Thanks for sending the pictures. They really make your experiences more understandable. Too bad the weather was bad. But rainy weather in the south of France has to be better than the same in Crest Hill. Love you and glad you're having a good time. You're eating a lot of fish? That's new!

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