Starsky et Hutch

Published: March 20th 2006
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Starsky et HutchStarsky et HutchStarsky et Hutch

Now this is pure genius.
So I had a boring weekend, which is a tragedy, because my time is slowing running out here in France, like sand through an hourglass...

We were supposed to have a field trip on Saturday for my Cezanne class, to look at all the places where Cezanne painted around Aix, places that really haven't changed in a hundred years. Unfortunately though, it was kind of a crappy day, all gray and misty. And you need the Provencal light that scalds your eyeballs to really get a feel for what Cezanne saw. So I ended up watching "The Birdcage" at Mollie and Bridget's place and stuffing myself with churros at the fair. It was very funny- the movie, not the churros.

Sunday I had even less to do. Therefore, I walked up to the Place Bellegrade and took a picture of the Starsky and Hutch tow away zone sign, because it was something to do. Then I took a nap. And then I stared blankly at my computer for awhile. (It's amazing how much time you can waste by not doing anything.) Called the parents, finished up the phone card. Thought about my Switzerland trip a bit. Ate dinner. Then finally studied for my mid-term on Cezanne, which I had this morning.

The thing about having nothing to do, is that you don't want to break the routine by actually doing something.

Maybe this is a sign of depression... Nah.


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