And the adventure begins...

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Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris
July 13th 2010
Published: July 21st 2010
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And so the European Adventure begins...

After a quick and cheerful flight to Paris the stress of hostel locating is already in full swing. I didn't quite realize how heavy my backpack is until i have to lug it from one end of the airport to the other to reach the metro... at rush hour. Ideal. It was the sweatiest, cramped train journey of my life... i thought the London Underground was bad. But I am in Paris so not much can dampen my spirits.

Having finAlly gotten to our hostel an hour and half later, i find its an odd ode to Americana. Pictures of Jim Morrison and Jimi Hendrix adorn the walls and there are American flags everywhere. After quickly dumping our bags and going in search of food, we find a small cafe to have a quick panini.

When we return we find a small spanish women roaming around in our room. It turns out she was staying in our room the night before and thought shed booked an extra night but she hadn't. She packed off her old mother to find another hostel so that she could sit in our room talking gibberish to us whilst smoking like a chimney! The room barely fits Heather and me let alone this women pacing up and down the little floor space we have. Good news, she has now departed along with my sanity! Bring on tomorrow. Notre Dame, The Louvre, Montmartre, The Eiffel Tower. Goooooooooooooooooood!!!


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