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March 16th 2008
Published: March 16th 2008
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Rob, Di, Jane and SamRob, Di, Jane and SamRob, Di, Jane and Sam

Di's birthday dinner at a very cute French restaurant


A couple of weeks after arriving in Scotland we cruised to Paris for a few days for Di's birthday. Paris was really cool, we totally got amongst the tasty French cuisine (kai, vino and beers) and soaked up lots of Paris' ambience.

We spent our first day visiting some excellent tourist attractions. We had a good time in the Louvre's gardens, then trekked up to the Arc du Triomph, all the while checking out the local sites and sounds. Later that evening we went back to the Louvre to see the famous Mona Lisa painting. Turns out Mona is quite small, and surrounded by dozens of tourists all the time, but she's still cool :o) And yes, her eyes do follow you around the room. The rest of the Louvre is incredible, the amount of amazing art in there is beyond bewildering - apparently it would take about 9 months to view each piece in the museum... Despite this, in a couple of hours we managed to see most of the key classics.

The next day we walked alongside the Canal St Martin and visited Montmarte to check out some Parisian culture and a few cutie wee
Public artPublic artPublic art

Sam enjoying public art near the Louvre
shops (which, needless to say, were all very chic and totally cool :o)) We also visited the basilica Sacre-Coeur and the Cemetery du Pere Lachaise. As you can see from the photo, Jane and Di added to the many kiss marks on Oscar Wilde's grave, and we got to check out the tombstones of a few other celebs, namely Edith Piaf and Jim Morrison.

On our last day we visited Notre Dame cathedral and attempted to check out the Eiffel Tower, although unfortunately it was pouring with rain and really windy, so we didn't climb to the top - instead we settled into a cafe for some tasty French crepes. Good times.

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Photos: 7, Displayed: 7


Arc du TriompheArc du Triomphe
Arc du Triomphe

Jane, Di and Rob at the Arc du Triomphe
French beerFrench beer
French beer

Sam trying out some French beer, it tastes a bit like rasberries!!

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