We are finally in Paris! - Sarah

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May 14th 2007
Published: May 14th 2007
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Oops, I missed it!Oops, I missed it!Oops, I missed it!

My attempted photo of the Eiffel Tower. Who knew that this was the closest we would be to it during our entire time in Paris?
But we are tired and I lost our luggage. 😞 I misplaced the baggage claim tickets and so they didn't put the luggage on the plane when we checked in in Portland.

Honestly! This trip is crazy! I have never had such bad luck on a trip before. I'm knocking on the table right now, just to satisfy those superstitious readers.

And then, on top of that, we can't find our hotel in Paris, which turns out isn't actually in Paris, so we have to take a commuter train to this other town, Epinay sur Seine, and Trent can't stay awake and I'm paranoid, seeing the old lady sitting across from us as a possible thief, as is everyone else on this train. The man that sold us the ticket to this place actually laughed when we told him where we wanted to go. We saw the Eiffel tower on the way.

We get off the train and are stared at the entire way down the street to our hotel. Apparently we stick out like sore thumbs, even though we aren't even talking loudly, or at all. It is getting dark and the streets are abandoned, and someone yells something from their car, which we don't understand but we ignore. I see the car pass us three more times before we get to our hotel.

A moment of panic and we're about to turn around, as the directions from the internet aren't completely clear, I mean, what does "make a left" mean at an intersection where three streets intersect and there are five possible options? Trent, who had a little nap on the train, calms me down, I've gotten lost in paranoia and frustration, and suggests we walk a little further down the street. We find it!

We check in with no problems, and go the Chinese restaurant next door, which is pretty good, but neither of us can stay awake enough to wait for the check. Our conversation, I'm sure, makes no sense whatsoever and only consists of sentence fragments and giggling and the word, "Yeahhhh..." I'm pretty sure we were both asleep with our eyes open.

We finally got to sleep and it was delicious. This has been one of the longest days of my life.


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