Helsinki, a City Where Old Meets New

Europe » Finland » Uusimaa » Helsinki
September 30th 2007
Published: October 1st 2007
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Hey everyone, I promised I would update after my weekend in Helsinki. So, here it is. First I have to start off on Thursday night in Vaasa. I went to the University of Vaasa with one of the Rotary members and her family. They were having a sort of open house thing to kick off the new year. It was pretty fun. But the best part was that I got to see my first real live reindeer!! As part of the even... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 28, Displayed: 21


Aleksis KiviAleksis Kivi
Aleksis Kivi

Aleksis Kivi is probably Finland's most famous authors. This statue was outside the train station.
Old Meets NewOld Meets New
Old Meets New

I love how on this really ancient looking building there is a big electronic sign thing.
Another BuildingAnother Building
Another Building

A building by the train station.
Finnish ParliamentFinnish Parliament
Finnish Parliament

The Finnish Parliament building.
More Old Meets NewMore Old Meets New
More Old Meets New

I think this picture really shows what Helsinki is like. You see this huge new glass building, then two really pretty old buildings, and then another huge modern building. It's a good mix of new and old.
Funny SignFunny Sign
Funny Sign

I guess the airplanes fly really low in Finland.

1st October 2007

you miss me!
You didn't mention how much you miss me though! It was great to hear your voice and I'm so glad you are having fun. Also, you "rode" the train - not "road". I guess you've forgotten some of your English. XOXO
1st October 2007

Hi :-)
Hi Mackenzie! I love the pictures you posted. There are some beautful buildings in Helsinki. The Hessburger you went to looks exactly like Burger King here! The reindeer is pretty cool. That'sgreat that you got to pet it. I'm really glad you're having a great time. Take Care xxxx
1st October 2007

That's pretty cool that you got to see a reindeer!!! I miss you so much. It sounds like you are having an amazing time there though! So is Jose the kid that talked you into living in Finland for a year because it "sounded cool"? Just wondering. I love you!!! Keep the posts coming!!!
1st October 2007

I think his raps are amazing but I do have to say I think he's a player because he raps about cheating on his friends Donner and Blitzen's raindeer hos. Un-called for! Also, does Yo-se color his hair everyday? It's blonde and then black..weird. You look good by the way. I love the pic with you by the sea and petting Pekko although he looks a little depressed in the pic. He probably misses Santa after he exiled him for being names Pekko and not Vixon2. Have a great day!! Can't wait for the next one
2nd October 2007

Hey. Great to see you having fun there. I should be giving a visit(5months) there in Finland on January and what comes to those shopping malls i belive finns got some bezare reason to bild big ones and Kamppi realy is rather small. Take care!
5th October 2007

Where's Rudolf?
Hey Big Mac, sounds like a blast on your trip, how was (what is?) the Hess burger? Was that raindeer meat? Anyway...just the ramblings of an old fart! Thinking about you, be safe, and have a great time! Don
3rd November 2007

I love how little things like the size of seatbelts are always a topic of conversation with you. Oh and just so you know, aside from taking Japanese next semester, I'm adding another language to my repetoir... french biatch! I'm going to try to catch up with you. Although I'm pretty behind at the moment. Love you!!!

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