Mmm...flower carpet...wait a minute, that's not edible

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Europe » Belgium » Brussels-Capital Region » Brussels
August 13th 2006
Published: September 5th 2006
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When I first think of Belgium, or Brussels, chocolate, waffels and beer comes to mind, all edible things. We spent two days in this city of fooding. First we walked down the large main street from our hostel only to end up in a slightly sketchy area with a large church in a roundabout. Well, the map lied to us and we were supposed to turn left on the main street, not right. So as anybody would do, we swiftly power walked to our destination after exiting the church.
We were thoroughly surprised to be in Brussels during their 4 day flower carpet festival. We saw the carpet during day 2 so the sogginess hadn't really set in. Bright colours spanned the length of the center square. We even hopped up on the railing of somebody's front staircase to get a better view. Hey, we were going for the free options in viewing this large area of flowers! Afterwards, we walked in and out of many chocolate shops. Then took a fun stroll through "restaurant alleys" where the host's of all these expensive places coax you into eating at their establishment. They even display the fresh seafood, because everybody wants to point to their dinner victims in person?!?

The next day, August 14th, it poured. We took shelter in the chocolate museum...mmm...chocolate. Not too many freebies here but there was a mention of pirates on one of the many paragraphs of info: 'thanks to the pirating of the English, chocolate was introduced into Europe'. So I guess that means pirating has done some good in the past? We again weaved in and out of the many chocolate, biscuit and caramel shops (more things were open during midday). I think I had a few of the most expensive cookies ever, and yes they were worth every penny! We continued to hide from the rain in the Beer museum, a tacky set-up of non-functioning machinery with a video on the making of beer. But of course it came with the opportunity to consume a frothy glass of goodness. We again, hid, and went for coffee and waffels in the shelter of an arcade. For those who are unfamiliar with an arcade, imagine an alleyway of shops with a covered roadway. It's almost like a one level mall with an open entrance from the streets. To get closer to our hostel, we made our way to St. Michael's Cathedral, yes more shelter. Organ music was being played from the center organ. Well actually, the organ was on the upper side wall, about half way down the church and not in the traditional 'back end'. This was for better accustics in the gothic style of church. The music felt like it was vibrating through your bones. At some points, a little creepy. It depended on the tune being played.


8th September 2006

Sucks the beer museum didnt get any better....
I can't believe it rained again while you were there. I remember we did the same thing last year when it poured. To bad the beer mesuem hasnt gotten better. I think the bathroom there was the best part :) Cheers, Cathy

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