There are no kangaroos in Austria!

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Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna
May 30th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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St. Stephen´s ChurchSt. Stephen´s ChurchSt. Stephen´s Church

I couldn´t get a really good picture of this because all the buildings were too close, but look at the roof. I just love the little details like this.

Julie J Vanover
When I got to my hostel they had overbooked and so I got a private room with a double bed all to myself for the same price as a dorm! Wow! I was in heaven, but they were booked out the next night so I would only have one day to explore Vienna. So I hit the ground running and was very shocked with how much ground I covered and how beautiful Vienna was. When I went through my pictures I was so suprised at how many there were and how beautiful they all were. I arrived in Vienna and my first thought was it´s cold. I had grown more accustomed to tempuratures in the 90´s and it was in the 50´s. I guess that there was a cold streak that came through for 24 hours and I just happened to be in Vienna when it happened. It snowed in Switzerland so I guess I should just be happy I didn´t have snow. Although it would have been interesting to go from 95 in Budapest to snow 5 hours away. So I layered up as much as I could until I felt like a snowman. I took the subway to
Town HallTown HallTown Hall

See what I mean, why couldn´t we have more of these in America. I guess without empires and stuff it can make it a little harder.
St. Stephen´s Church and it was huge and beautiful. It had a decorated slate roof- I don´t know that the name for the style is but I like it.

I wandered to the Hofburg Palace which too was lovely and huge, there were so many buildings and gardens in and around the area. I went through more gardens and a rose garden to the Opera House. And then through another garden to the Town Hall which was massive and impressive. I just wonder why we don´t have beautiful town halls like this in America. As I walked through Vienna I started to remember some of it´s history and had a much better understanding of all of the grandeur around it. I didn´t really read up on it very much so I was very pleasantly suprised by it.

Throught the rest of the gardens to the Parliment Building and then past their Museum section, and I lastly ended up at St. Charles Church which was very beautiful in it´s self. But there was a pool in front of the church that perfectly reflected the church, so as if the church wasn´t beautiful enough you got 2 for the price of one. Wow- I wish that I could have seen it at night because they light it up, and with the reflection it would have been even more breathtaking.

I returned to my hostel, very pleased with my whirlwind tour of Vienna but wishing that I had longer to see it all because I by no means saw even close to everything. I just really got a taste of Vienna, so this city is very much on my list of cities to see more of. I returned to my hostel and fell asleep and slept for almost 10 hours. Wow, I sure needed a quiet private room! Very nice, except I slept through my train to Cesky Krumlov. Oh well, there´s always the next one.

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I just love the flower staff in front of Mozart´s statue, it is so cute!
The Rose GardenThe Rose Garden
The Rose Garden

In the background you can see the Theatre House and the spires of Town Hall.
The reflection of St. Charles ChurchThe reflection of St. Charles Church
The reflection of St. Charles Church

see what I mean, double the pleasure double the fun! Wow!
Another cool statueAnother cool statue
Another cool statue

This was on top of a building and I cannot remember which one, but I really liked it.

13th June 2007

Beautiful buildings in Vienna. Loved the blue dome on St. Charles church and the Treble Clef out of flowers is so cute. Glad you enjoyed Vienna.

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