Blogs from South, Albania, Europe - page 6


Europe » Albania » South July 8th 2012

This is an amazing opportunity I have to cave dive in albania. There is an interconnected cave system about 45 minutes outside of saranda with 9 different springs (that have been recorded). Very very few divers venture into these caves due to the dangers and risks associated with them. I was fortunate enough to dive with archeologist Peter Campbell and ecologist Derek smith, into this insanely high flow cave. My first time attempting to enter the cave was unsuccessful. The force of the flow literally blew my body and gear (with extra weights) out of the cave opening. I regrouped at the surface and tried again, this time reading the cave a little better. I made it through the opening and down to the ledge at 65ft where Peter and Derek were doing their survey. It ... read more

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë July 6th 2012

What an incredible anomaly of diving! I am in shock that there are still ancient amphoras and pottery just steps from the beach here in Sarande. So many of the amphoras are in excellent condition too! I've really enjoyed learning about the history of the Balkan region, and now it's nice to "know" what to look for underwater. The other interesting things to see are the echinoderms. There are loads of a cucumbers and starfish all along the reefs. We dove off radar cove whichjust about 20 minutes south of sarande and saw lots of echinoderms as well as pieces of pottery scattered alonbeach shallow reef. We did our second dive on the Probitas: Inside the Bay of Saranda there lies an Italian cargoship. It was sunk during the II World War by German Bombers on ... read more
Probitas I
Probitas II

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë July 3rd 2012

Two amazing days in the city of Saranda with our first couple of dives for the field school. Led by Derek Smith, one of the program coordinators and ecologists with the Marine Center, he led the students on a dive just off the coast. Max depth was approximately 75 feet and we had not only great visitbility but interesting sea life. Lots of sea grass and mussels. The mission of the dive was to find artifacts (or something that looked like it was one) and mark it with a lift bag and reel. After the dive, we mark the bag with GPS, record it, cut the line, then go to the next bag. It was an interesting learning process about how to collect data for submerged collection items. Our boat Captain, Howard and I chatted for ... read more
Dive Base 2
View from balcony

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë July 1st 2012

Luggage has arrived! Woo Hoo! I feel so much better now that my bags have arrived. I was worried that half of the donation items for the Albanian Center for Marine Research was going to be lost in baggage-land forever! Once the bags arrived, Auron, his friend and driver and I headed south to Saranda. There are basically 2 roads that go to Saranda. The first being the coastline, which supposedly is beautiful, but extremely busy on the weekends. The second was the road that we took - through the mountains. I cannot imagine that the coastline road could have been more beautiful, but the countryside in Albania is stunning. We stopped at this little place in the middle of the canyons for lunch. It was a delicious combination of rice, meat, salad and yogurt. Very ... read more
Drive to Sarande 2
Drive to Sarande 3

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë June 26th 2011

Now here’s five words I never expected to say – “We went to Albania today!” That’s right Enver Hoxha’s former ”stomping” grounds. A bus picked us up, brought us over the mountain to Corfu Town where we boarded and Ionian Ferry Line ship. An hour and a bit later we were on Albanian soil in the growing city of Saranda. We took a tour bus to the ancient ruins of Butrinti – by 400BC it was an established Greek settlement, and a couple hundred years later became refortified by the Romans – later Augustus would reframe it as a veterans colony – fast forward to the 900s and it was remodelled as part of the Byzantine empire. Lightly settled again by the Ottomans in 1600, then it was ceded to Napoleon by Venice and in 1799 ... read more
Bouzouki assistants
Albanian Greek Ruins and the kids
Bad building bad

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë October 26th 2010

a highlight of the trip has been raki/rakia/rakija etc etc. it is a local brew sometimes also called lion's milk(add water and it becomes white). i especially appreciate it just after my excercise with breakfast. it has been offered mainly by the older, both male and female and they always tell me it is home brewed. very nice but i think with breakfast is a bit much. i also had brandy and a kahlua like drink with breakfast. maybe i'll continue the tradition once home?? something to ponder. so i left skopje for ohrid, macedonia. it is a great town on a large lake in southern macedonia. i got a room with a view, and raki of course, at a seasonally discounted price. always ask for lower. i had first just walked away from the price ... read more

Europe » Albania » South September 30th 2010

Sheep, cows and a ship where they don't belong In the previous blog we made on Albania we wrote about our visit to Berati. We there wrote that "Berati has a picturesque old town and on a hill towering over the town there is a fortress." The first city we are going to write about here in this blog entry, Gjirokaster, can be described with exactly the same words: Gjirokaster has a picturesque old town and on a hill towering over the town there is a fortress. Or at least that is how we are supposed to describe the city. But the thing is we liked Berati a lot and in comparison Gjirokaster gave us a pretty bleak impression. The old town was less picturesque and the fortress was good but not better than many other ... read more
Castle of Kanina
A boat away from the ocean
Fortress in Gjirokaster

Europe » Albania » South » Gjirokaster September 28th 2010

From Berat I took a bus southwards to Saranda a port city on Albania’s Ionian Sea coast. We passed some pretty mountain scenery interspersed with some of the 600,000 concrete bunkers that were built during Hoxha’s communist dictatorship (enough for a family in each) to survive a nuclear attack (I’m guessing here). It got more interesting however when during the four hour journey, a number of pensioner ladies got on and a prolonged shouting match ensued with the driver - who was giving as much as he got. From what I could deduce he’d sped past them at an earlier town and now that they had caught up on another bus they were very angry with him. With them on board there were now not enough seats for everybody - but let this get in the ... read more
17 Gjirokastra 9 Sep 2010
5 Gjirokastra 9 Sep 2010
4 Saranda - 11 Sep 2010

Europe » Albania » South » Sarandë July 24th 2010

Balam sie troche wjazdu do Albanii. Na szczescie mielismy wszystkie odpowiednie kwity dotyczace samochodu, lacznie z notarialnie poswiadczonym w Polsce upowaznieniem do jego prowadzenia. Wtedy jeszcze nie wiedzialam, dlaczego greccy celnicy tak nas dokladnie ogladaja, ale szybko wyjasnilo sie, ze dziwnym trafem zageszczenie dobrych samochodow w Albanii nie do konca odpowiada zamoznosci jego mieszkancow. Z granicy skierowalismy sie prosto do Gjirokaster - miasta, gdzie urodzil sie w 1908 roku przyszly albanski przywodca Enver Hohxa, co spowodowalo, ze mialo ono nastepnie status miasta-muzeum, dzis na liscie UNESCO i w duzej mierze uniknelo komunistycznego zniszczenia. Tam tez planowalismy szukac jakiegos transportu dla naszej towarzyszki, ktora musiala ewakuowac sie z Albanii za 2 dni. Stare Gjiorokaster lezy na wzgorzu i sklada sie z ottomanskich domow, waskich stromych uliczek,... read more
Gjirokaster i albanska flaga.

Europe » Albania » South » Vlorë October 4th 2009

Erion, my Albanian friend wıth whom I had worked in London, sent me a text. He had got the message that I was ın hıs town, and we arranged to meet. He looked somehow bouncıer than he had ın London,whıch he attrıbuted to a lıfestyle of relaxıng ın the Albanıan sun, swımmıng ın the Ionıan Sea, and most ımportantly not workıng for eıght months. The sun was shınıng agaın. I dropped my rucksack ın Erıon's mum's half-fınıshed house (she was ın Italy), and had a shower. If I hadn't met up wıth Erıon I was goıng to move straıght onto Greece, but hıs hospıtalıty encouraged me to stay another nıght ın Vlora. We had a look around the one or two remaınıng streets of the old town, where the few buıldıngs to survıve the communıst programme ... read more
The local hero

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