The end....

Published: March 7th 2011
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Monday March 7, 2011

(Skip) It always seems to happen this way; when I reflect back on any adventure/journey the events always seem like a dream. Did all these perceived events really take place? Sure I know that right now I am in Panama; the surroundings confirm this, a different language confirms this and I surely feel that I am in Panama. But still the many events the took place over the last three weeks are a blur at best.

My favorite dream state of Panama keeps coming back to the many wonderful people we encountered during our travels; the challenge Barb and I faced whenever we entered into any eating establishment (most of the time someone in the restaurant came to our rescue); the truly changing panorama of the land and sky as we moved from area to area within Panama; all the beautiful trees, shrubs and flowers, even during the dry season, that attacked one's visual senses; and how all the area west of Panama City, moving toward Costa Rica, reflected another Panama entirely.

We, as US citizens, have many areas in our country that are just a beautiful as what I have visited during the last three weeks, so what does it all boil down to? People! If the local people are beautiful inside, then everything becomes beautiful to the visitor. Our world has, I am sure, beautiful vistas all over the globe, but the beauty will always, for me, come down to the people that are encountered in the region visited. Panama certainly has this aspect going for it in the places that Barb and I visited.

Have we had some trying times during this adventure, sure, but all my life I have found that if I focus on the positive and just allow less desirable instances float into the past, everything works out just fine . I live in the moment, not the past, and surely not in the future. Seems to work for me. Is Panama for everyone, certainly not. But if you're not controlling, refuse to take yourself too seriously, able to roll with a changing situations and have a zest for what this life can offer, then yes Panama will greet you with open arms and lay out in front of you all the adventure your heart can stand.

Today is going to be a lazy day, sitting around the pool and enjoying the last of my Balboas. Please don't misunderstand me, beer is not my favorite, but Balboa certainly is much, much better than BUD etc! Tonight, actually tomorrow morning around 3 am we fly out of Panama City to the US.

A few observations:

1. During this entire trip I wore Chaco sandals without socks. These are the best sandals that I have ever worn, bar none. They were comfortable, provided excellent support for my arches and overall I could not have made a better choice. Great for the tropics.
2. The water in Panama was good and safe to drink in Panama City and David. Not so sure about other parts of Panama, we stuck to bottled water.
3. National Police were very courteous and helpful. We noticed several road blocks during our three weeks of travel, but once they noticed our American Passports we were waved through with a smile. It seems to me they were working off a profile (oh my God, a dirty word), but I don't have a problem with this concept.
4. A large number of retail places such casinos, grocery supermarkets, banks, larger retail establishments and hotels all employ armed guards, many with riot 12ga shotguns and all with side arms. They take their work seriously!!
5. Outside of Panama City traveling westward upwards of 2 hours we found those ticky, tacky housing developments. Side by side, row by row with barely enough space to walk between houses. After leaving the influence of Panama City this type of development seem to disappear and the more traditional housing was the norm. The other exception to this we found in Volcan and Boquete with very expensive Expat gated housing developments. The Balbos are calling me...Adios!

(Barb) Looks like this will be our last post...kinda sad actually...we've enjoyed writing this blog and so happy that others enjoyed reading it.
I would have to echo Skip's sentiments about this trip. It's been a real adventure and the people have been great to us. I can't add anything more to what he said so this will be it.
Via Con Dios mi amigos.


8th March 2011

I understand and totally identify with the feeling that travels are like dreaming. I also completely agree that travel is people so much more than landscapes passed through. Your two voices contrast and blend just right to make for a memorable duet. How you managed to be so thorough and all inclusive in your coverage of experiences I'll never know. Thanks for an armchair journey to be fondly remembered!
10th March 2011

I truly enjoyed reading every line and every minute of your blog. Wish I could have been on your list and read it day by day. I got a stiff neck from concentrating on the screen for so long. LOL.. Miss y'all and hope to see you evry now and then. Don't know what your long term plans are, but I hope you find a wintering place near us so you can visit and play cards, you at poker and Barb at 31 at the clubhouse... Also, do you want any of the emails I get sent on to you, or should I only use your email address for personal correspondence?

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