Madera's/ Nicaraguan Sunset

Published: August 30th 2008
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Looking for the "green flash"!
This is a picture of Playa Maderas, my favorite surfing beach in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. We tried to get there in the evenings to see the sunset and search for the illusive "green flash" (myth or reality?) that we'd heard tell about. The sunsets never disappointed! They were always fabulous, as you can see from the picture. Sunsets at Playa Maderas are probably one of the things I miss the most about living in San Juan del Sur. Being in the Pacific Ocean almost every day is another. There's something incredibly healing to the body and the soul about being in the ocean. There must be some ancient imprint left from our evolutionary beginnings that says we are "home". At least that's how it's always been for me. Nothing brings me a quicker sense of balance than sitting by the sea. The waves at Playa Maderas have a way of putting you in your place, showing you "who's boss". It isn't a place to splash and wade around in. At Playa Maderas, you quickly realize how little control you really have over anything. As the waves slapped me around and knocked me down over and over again, I felt small in this huge ocean. I got a quick glimpse at how really tiny and insignificant we are in this whole taking a huge step back and looking at a bigger picture. I loved it!!

I lived in San Juan del Sur for almost 2 years. It became our "home town" and I miss it! I will be posting practical information about traveling in and around San Juan del Sur, and other parts of Nicaragua, (in future entries) for those who plan to go there. But for today, it is just about "sweet memories".

The Journey / Travel With Me

A. Zudro a.k.a. Gloria


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