Canim...sort of.

Published: December 12th 2005
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While I was suppose to head to the market with Jord on saturday, I ended up heading to Luna Apoya (or something like that) with an American I met Friday night. About an hour outside of Granada, the lake is suppose to have been at one time the top of a volcano that has now been caved in...not really sure the details. We took a shuttle, that ripped us off...always ask the price BEFORE you get in, and then hitched 30 minutes from the highway to where we were planning on staying. While I didn't get the full in the back of a pickup experience like you usually do hitching (so it seems anyway) it was a super nice family and has led me to consider doing it more often.

In any case it was a pretty big lake at the bottom of a valley filled with Monkeys and farms. We stayed at this hostel type place that unfortunately did not have enough beds. So I got a mattress and placed it out on the grass by the water...awesome stars and an awesome sunrise as well. The place had free kayaks an awesome music collection, cheap food and cheap beer. Needless to say the couple nights at the place were a really good time. I guess the only similarity to canim would be the cabin on an awesome scarcely populated lake and not much else, but for some reason it just reminded me of being at the cabin.

I am back in Granada and not sure where I will go from here...maybe the island. I am quite impressed with this city though....clean and the people are extremely nice. Well except for that annoying girl who just kept slapping me while i was eating to try and get me to buy some nuts she was selling. In all honesty I probably should have just paid the 25 cents, but then I got stubborn and decided that there was no way I was going to let that 7 year old girl bug me into buying something that I did not want. And now, it seems like the kids have a new product: weeds formed into a grasshoper. I've never seen more dedicated sales people.

Pictures will be arriving after CHristmas.


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