CSBC Honduras Mission trip 2

Published: July 19th 2011
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This is a message straight from our team in Honduras. The progress in work that they are doing is amazing. For bible school they had a huge turnout. God is really working with this group. It looks like he is showing out!! Lets pray for continued blessing on the group and the people they are witnessing too!!
Good Morning, Staying positive is a must today and counting our blessings is so important to keep going because yesterday was extremely challenging for all of us. Please pray for continued faith strength & health while we complete this mission. On with the details. With much debate in the morning yesterday on the tile design plus a 2 hour delay on supplies the power going out & lack of water still the men’s hard work paid off & the floor of the church is laid now they will move on to tiling the stage toddy. Bible school was a huge success 4 the children. We had 191 yesterday 83 in one class. So to say it was chaotic is putting it lightly & we only had half of the team there because we were behind on the tile floor so high praises go out 2 the women & young people 4 stepping it up & making Bible school happen. We only had a translator in crafts & Bible study so Haley, Leighton, & Tyler really shined as they did recreation with all the children. The duck, duck, goose game was a hit. Our group is divided into 4 teams for organizational & room assignment purposes. We have a men’s team, 2 family teams and a ladies team. Kudos to our ladies team who fried snacks for 4 hours yesterday to feed these children. It was a chore, what a labor of love they have for this mission. We ended the day with a good meal and a visit with the workers who are helping lay the tile and then the men had a small soccer scrimmage with them afterwards in the kitchen area for some much needed relaxation and fun and the laughter did us good. We are up and preparing for what blessings are in store for us today as day 4 is upon us
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but I want a reenactment of this soccer game when they get home. Think about it you have Paul, Tyler, West, James, John, and Josh as the men on the team that played soccer. I bet that was a hilarious site, and there was plenty of laughter!!! I was also informed that the pastor from the church down there has challenged Josh to a bicycle race. So come on team Josh!! This will probably make the laugh o meter go off also.
The best one to date is this,(I am not adding nothing to this because it would do it an in justice). “ Last night at dinner Davi told James Harmon he looked nine months pregnant and since Josh was a nurse he needed to ensure the baby was delivered by Thursdays soccer match!!) I love it. I am proud they are making James feel loved like when he is home and at church!!
“A side note Davi had gotten bit by a dog and Haley noticed he only had access to one bandage and the bandage was filthy from laying tile all day. Josh took and changes the bandage and cleaned the wound. Davi was very grateful, and thanked Josh all night long. Josh has also received the new name of Doc from the locals!!!
Don’t forget to lift our mission team up in your prayers, and also to thank God for all his many wonderful blessings that he has blessed them with … Have a blessed day!!


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