"La Ampolloa"

Published: March 12th 2006
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I thought my blister was getting better, but after much walking yesterday, it is now bigger than ever and sore today! I walked to Iglesia San Marcos to go with the youth group on a trip to a nature preserve which was to leave at 7AM. It turns out that the priest's wife (my Scouting contact) was sick and didn't go. The woman I tried to talk to didn't unerstand me, and told me things were not happening until the afternoon. So I spent the first part of the day strolling the area, and hanging out in MacDonald's. Yes you ehard me correectly, MacDonalds. It was the only place in the area that I could find where you can sit comfortably in the shade! I had hotcakes for breakfast and hot chocolate. Later I had a McBlizzard. While there, I studied my Spanish. The markets were busy between about 10 and 3. I watched many venders setting up their stalls, from which they sell everything from shoes to lotions, telephones to lamps, and every sort of clothing and miscellaneous items - and of course endless vegetables and fruits sold in bulk from sacks and net bags. I met a fellow from a neaby village at the booksale in the park who spoke some English and tried to help me find a place to exchange money, but it was closed. So I am nearly broke again! He was there to look for a book or two as he is trying to help kids in his village (San Martin I believe) to learn to read Spanish - he had been given enough money to buy one book which he showed me - a picture book. We exchanged email addresses and he invited me to visit his school.

About 2PM I went back to San Marcos. I was let in about 20 minutes later, and my friend Cynthia (the priest's wife and my Scout contact) arrived about 2:40. It turns out there was a birthday party planned for one of the girl scouts before the regualr meeting, a family affair, and I got in on the action, helping to put the rope higher (I was the tallest there!) for the pinata, and later they gave me a bag of candy, served meat-filled tortillas, and birthday cake, as well as a nice juice which I hope was not made with tap water (Cynthia though it would be safe)!

Then the Cubs and Scouts gathered in a circle and did some stuff which I filmed. Later the Cubs did their ceremony and games while the older kids made a fire. They asked me to join in the games, which consisted mostly of singing and dancing. The campfire I will describe on my kids blog (http://agringoduck.blogspot.com)

I took a taxi home because though it was only about 8:30 my foot was too sore to walk that far. It was a good day despite the disappointment of not getting on the morning-afternoon trip. Now I am invited to join the older Scouts on a walk up a volcano next saturday starting at 5AM - hope my foot is better!

This morning I walked around a fair bit trying to find a Presbyterian Church which I know is inthe area and I saw it once, but could not find it today. Oh well, this afternoon (after siesta) I am meeting Val Cottrill, the United Church worker, to go with her to the church in La Esperenza. We meet at the Central Park and go by taxi, about five minutes out of the city. Now I need a nap, but its 10 block or so from here to the house, and I am near the park now.

I made my first bakery purchase today, about a half dozen rolls of various sorts that cost me Q1.95. This bakery, unlike many, was free of flies, being inside modern doors that were closed. There are not many flies around, but he food they congregate.

So I continue to see new streets and meet new people. My Spanish vocabulary is steadily improving though my pronunciation is not great I think. I can say what I want to say "sometimes" and make myself understood, but when people talk to me my mind goes blank and I don't get much! Well, maybe after another week. Hasta luego!


12th March 2006

March 12th 2006
Hi Alan, the information is great- wish you could say the same about your foot. I was reviewing my information on feet and blisters- not that you haven't probably already done this- so Remember blisters are caused by wetness, heat, friction and fungal infection. Washing your feet every night and rubbing lightly with a terry-cloth towel, clean socks everyday with double socks if doing a considerable amount of walking, anti-fungal powders in your shoes and sandals as well as doing a doughnut type of padding around the blister may help. Still can't find the pictures on your site http://agringoduck.blogspot.com but will look forward to any disks that you can burn and bring back. Sunny and beautiful here today- I have to finish decorating a cake for my baby sister and her husband who both just turned 40 (remember when that sounded old? I can't seem to anymore!) Take care Fryor. Bonnie

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