The not so amazing race to get home

Published: November 20th 2007
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...Frightening how much can change in the flash of a second. As you noticed I did not post that last entry for almost a week. Unfortunately, last Wednesday Nov 14th a shocking and terrible thing dad was diagnosed with Leukemia and the world as I knew it changed for my family and I in the blink of an eye. My heavenly remote heavenly inn in the middle of nowhere quickly turned to hell. Being so far away from home and completely alone when I recieved such news made it even more difficult to deal with.

The journey home began at sunrise Thurs am...sleep was impossible. We went down the 100+ stone steps to our dock to wait for the water taxi...a vessel designed for about 10 people. Ride began with a local mayan with a large machete getting off while we were loading Zach's tumi in the sml wooden boat. Talk about a contrast in walks of life. After a quick stop at another dock the fun began. a few locals got in and then a few more, and then some german couples and then just when you thought you could not fit anymore people into the boat.. a father and 5 little blonds kids in lifejackets loaded in. the boat sunk deeper and deeper into the lake and our luggage was no longer visible beneath all the people... We took off at a reduced speed and the water began slamming into the bow and first 2 rows of the boat...very cold water. Within 5 m inutes about 15 of the 25 passengers were shivering and pretty drenched from head to toe...A blue tarp was passed forward and covered about 10 people but not me. Our easy 20 minute taxi ride turned into about 45 since we were moving slowing and taking in water. Just when the dock was in our view and we thought we were done...the boat died. After about 50 attempts our capt could not revive so we were towed mayan style into shore...not by a tow rope behind the boat but side by side with passengers gripping on to the other boat. Quite the sight.

And after the crazy mtn ride in the shuttle, 2 flts and about 15 hours I was back to Naperville and my family.

For as long as it takes, all of my time and energy will be focused on helping my dad survive this bastard of a disease and get into complete long term remission. So, this will be the last blog for a while. All plans are on hold and my new destination is U of C Hospital Flr 6NW rm 668. Thanks for everyones thoughts and prayers...



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