Blogs from Cuba, Central America Caribbean - page 104


Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana January 12th 2006

I did mean to write this up as soon as it happened as it was so fascinating .. but obviously here I am trying to remember it 2 weeks later. We arrived into Havana and picked up some transport from the airport .. we were meant to being picked up but that failed to materialise so we found a guy who had a van who was leaving immediately and not trying to rip us off ... some people were asking $25 per person but we managed to get into town for $20 for both of us. The guy who was driving had a couple of other people to pick up and drop off so we got to see bits of Havana that we probably wouldn't have otherwise seen. The thing that struck me most was how ... read more
Hotel Nacional
Old Havana
Me & Vic - New Years Eve

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 10th 2006

We're off to the East now, some photos are up. Great trip so far. ... read more
Drew en la autopista
Kristin in front of Che sign

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 10th 2006

lo que sea.-... that is what the cubans say....whatever... yesterday we had our first taste of REAL cuban life. well, kindof... we awoke in beautiful vinales and headed out on our bikes on a gorgeous ride down to the nearest city...pinar del rio... the ride was short and did not take much time... we were preparing to make our first real adventure...hitchhiking with our bikes back to havana...with hopes that we would return quickly and get ourselves across the country with our bikes to that we can cycle the granma and santiago de cuba provinces before returning. well, first stop the bus stop... we ask, any trucks heading out to havana today...possibly we could jump on back with our bikes? nope! so....we ride out to the autopista..(don´t picture route 80 here)...we´re talking more like a road ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana January 9th 2006

LLegamos a la Habana y nos hospedamos en casa de familia en el barrio "el Vedado". No existen los "hostels". Hay familias que han heredado casas y pagan un monto mensual al estado por rentar habitaciones a los turistas. Aunque el alquiler se cobra en dólares y haciendo el cambio debería ser buena plata la que se queda esta gente, es tan alto el impuesto que deben pagar al estado que no les alcanza para vivir. La casa donde nos quedamos era hermosa, realmente hermosa! y el dueño se iba todas las mañanas a la feria a vender artesanías para poder mantener a su familia. Nos quedamos 4 días, tiempo suficiente para disfrutar la maravillosa "habana Vieja", meterse en la cultura cubana. ... read more
El Malecón
Feria La Habana

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 8th 2006

Hi guys Just wanted to update you guys on the trip so far. The internet cafe´s have been few and far between and the connections have been super slow. We´ll see if the blog works out. Terrie, I hope your trip back to Oz was good. We´ve been in Cuba a week now. We spent our first 2.5 days in Havana getting oriented, seeing sights, and riding around the city. We then left Havana on the 5th and road 50 miles west to Las Terrazas a town on a lakeside forest reserve, beautiful spot. The next day we rode southwest to San Diego de los Banos a cuban ¨spa¨ town, the town was beautiful but the spa was old and sulphury smelling. We stayed at a farmhouse 2kms out of town. On the 7th we rode ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 8th 2006

well...since time is of the essence this will be scatterbrained and short.... I am posting a second commentary of our trip so far..I have no idea what drew wrote, so forgive me if there are any repeated adventure stories! let me first begin with the absolute joy of traveling on a bicycle. It is a completely different experience altogether, aside from the fact that everything you own is strapped to the bike and when you hit a hill it feels more like a brick wall. This is SSOO cheesy to say but traveling by bike is experiencing the journey. The greatest moments in cuba so far have been in some small town either snacking or changing a flat (the only two being drews...) not necessarily in our destinations... So, we enter this adorable SMALL town off ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 1st 2006

Been there, done that in 2006.... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana December 22nd 2005

Left Quito very early in the morning for a 7:30am flight to Havana via Panama. Had a 2 hour layover in Panama, tried to buy more Euros but they don't sell them there (only buy them). With the one hour time change arrived in Cuba at 2:30pm. Overall the flying time as only around 3 hours (1 + 2). We exchanged the Euros to CUC. At the airport the posted rate for US$ was 0.89 but we're not sure if that includes the 10% levy (later found out it does not). Took a taxi (nice new Volkswagen) to our casa particular: Casa Mer. First impression was that it looked more run down than it did online. The inside is nice and clean. The house was built in 1944 and appears to be from that era. The ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba October 15th 2005

Sorry guys for having taken so long to send further news of Cuba. I had typed it twice and lost it... twice! It is taking a lot of courage to get on it again (I had written a little thing about dancing in cuba in the meanwhile trying to get it published with Ted´s photos through his contact AND I´ve just been away from civilization visiting waterfalls). But there it is, the continuation of my trip in Cuba (very vey briefly typed), this time with Ted and a rent-a-car for a week driving from Santiago de Cuba all the way back to Havana City (more than 1000 kms). 15 Oct Tues: Santiago de Cuba: Huge breakfast! with tomatoes! Yeah! (It’s a case of appreciating the things you get to miss.) Casia Trovia: Dancers with men doing ... read more
afro dancing Havana
dancing Havana

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