Blogs from Cuba, Central America Caribbean - page 103


Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana March 4th 2006

Thursday 2 March to Saturday 4th March Well, we are finally here in Havana libre (Free Havana!), as Fidel likes to call it. We talked about it and planned it for ever and then suddenly we arrived, courtesy of a great Virgin flight (nice food, good movies and drinks). It was 29 degrees and sunny when we arrived, a welcome change from the cold back home. We shared a cab from the airport with a swiss guy called Eves who had been travelling in Canada, Panama and Costa Rica for a few months and was coming to Cuba for a month. He had been waiting at the airport for two hours for his swiss friend who lives here in Havana to come and meet him - some mix-up had meant she wasn’t there. So Eves came ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba February 19th 2006

To the inexperienced, two weeks in Cuba seemed like more than enough time to explore this stunning and unique country. In reality, it has merely given us enough time to scratch the surface. But what an amazing surface to scratch; and at least we have a reason to come back again in the future. Given Cuba´s deceptively large size (its over 10 times bigger than its neighbour, Jamaica) we decided to focus our attention on the western half of the country. After flying into Havana (actually Habana - don’t know how we managed to anglicise that) on Sunday 5th February, we made our way to a casa recommended by a friend in Habana Centro. To those not acquainted with casas, these are basically privately run hotels by Cuban residents. But hotel is using the term very ... read more
Pinar del Rio
Pinar del Rio
Pinar de Rio

Central America Caribbean » Cuba February 12th 2006

This was my first trip out of Europe and it was a special one, I had decided to take my girlfriend away to celebrate our one year anniversary in the Caribbean sun in Cuba, not only would we get to celebrate our one year anniversary it was also going to be valentine’s day whilst we were there, yes I am a romantic. We woke at 5am up to leave for the airport and it was rammed because of the school holidays, when we boarded the plane we were delayed by an hour in a queue waiting to take off, so that’s 11 hours spent on the plane in total. When we landed, on the way to our coach a guy came over to help me with my bags, the staff at Virgin are helpful I thought, ... read more
Just after snorkelling
Our first anniversary dinner
Covered up on the beach

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana February 12th 2006

The flight from Cancun to Havana took one hour, but experiencing Cuba in 2006 is like flying into another world. It feels like you're entering a museum amidst a visual explosion of once in a lifetime travel sights and experiences. Where else, for example, can you catch a taxi ride in a 1948 Dodge as you can in downtown Havana? Ah Cuba; the rhythm, the rum, the salsa dancing, the music and the beautiful Cubana chicas, the rum (¿did I already mention that?), the havana cigars, the colonial buildings and the fiestas by night. There's a good chance you will have the travel experience of a lifetime in Cuba, but the initiation can be quite challenging. This is because Cubans are famous for working their angles with tourists, and I believe they are the undisputed masters ... read more
Backstreet in Trinidad
Centre of Trinidad
Now why won't she start?

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Oeste » La Habana February 7th 2006

God dag godt folk! Det tok sin tid aa naa internett i dette landet, men den som venter paa noe godt venter ikke forgjeves! Javel Naa sitter jeg her i Casa Tony midt i Habana Vieja, Det er ganske kaldt ute i dag, rundtom 25 grader vil jeg tro (Ha!). Fra spok til alvor det er helt fantastisk her, sanseinntrykket mitt har aldri vaert saa overtsimmulert som det er naa. En liten uke her er som et par maaneder hjemme, med tanke paa opplevelser da. Paa en liten uke har jeg vaert paa revolusjonsplassen og hort Fidel (som de kaller ham her) tale, noe som var totalt surrealistisk for en liten jente fra Norge. Jeg har vaert saa heldig aa faa meg noen Cubanske venner (Pepe & Wiliam), som flere ganger har tatt oss med ut ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Baracoa January 23rd 2006

No habíamos oído hablar de Baracoa hasta llegar a Cuba. Como suele pasar, fue uno de los lugares que más nos gustó del viaje. No sólo porque es un lugar hermoso, sino por lo que podes aprender de la gente, de las costumbres, de los lugares. Realmente imperdible!... read more
Pequeño tiburón
Camino a la escuela

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Santiago de Cuba January 22nd 2006

En un día pasemos por la ciudad, conocimos "Punta Gorda", tomamos una lancha y vistamos el Cayo Glanma y el Morro (donde está la fortaleza. Por la tarde recorrimos el centro (Plaza Céspedes, Catedral, Centro cultural y Casa de Trova).... read more
Dominó barrial
El Fuerte

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 21st 2006

We´re now in Holguin the 3rd largest city and near the birthplace of Fidel. We arrived after a grueling 40 mile ride with 20mph headwinds. Happy to be here! We spent 2 nights in the Sierra Maestra national park and hiked to the Commandancia de la Plata, where Fidel, Che, et al (kinda Valley Forge or Gettysburg - Cuba style) managed the revolution in 1959, we saw the huts they lived in saw the location of Radio Rebelde. It was a great hike in wonderful scenery with great history. Our guide was wonderful. He was probably in his mid-thirties and had lived in the village of Santo Domingo (pop 600) all his life, the furthest from Santo Domingo he has travelled was to Maceo Bartolome, 50 miles away. Yet he speaks the best english of any ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba January 21st 2006

so says drew during an epic ride along the carribean coast as our chains start creaking as we crank away... I am not really sure when our last update i will give a quick update since leaving havana for the second time...and this time i am able to write a bit more because we finally stopped being cheap and paid for a full hour of internet....EACH! about a week or so ago we left havana on an overnight bus to Santiago...13 hours to be exact..with nothing more than REMIX cookies...they are like cream filled cookies...but better! we´ve eaten over 200 cookies thus far....and i am finally starting to get sick of cookies! Upon arriving in Santiago at 6 am with our bikes (and it´s still dark) we jumped on and went to find a house ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Centro » Trinidad January 17th 2006

Paso obligado para el turista.... read more
En cada puerta

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