rgesley's Guestbook

1st March 2010

It's good to be reminded that, despite our many many flaws, we are lucky to be Americans--unlikely to be shot for opposing one power or another.
From Blog: La Baleada
1st March 2010

I love that you noted that you love your work. Says a lot about you. For me, one of the air travel nightmares is the no-one-there-to-pick-me-up nightmare. Handled it very graciously, you did.
From Blog: Getting There
1st March 2010

travel agents!
Who was your travel planner and how can I avoid them? Obviously they had never traveled on one of those buses and attempted to sleep. Sorry about the Montezuma's revenge. I'm traveling with those "Cottonelle" wipes from now on. No business sections of the paper for me! Keep on having fun. Memories are made of that. Sammy
From Blog: Midnight Express

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