devyn's Guestbook

28th March 2009

I miss Houston weather now :(...but by the time I get there, it'll be as insufferable as an overdone sauna...I think it's just a case of bad timing? lol.
28th March 2009

hahaha...maybe, but the problem really was with my hands and feet...NEVER under ANY circumstances get your feet wet when it's freezing...O_O
27th March 2009

you are hiliarous. your snowman also looks hilarious. but, you should probably get some warmer clothes??
27th March 2009

oh geez. um. at least you won't be complaining about the 50 degree weather here anymore!
9th March 2009

hahaha! and what did you find when you went inside KFC? fried crocodile?! hmm...actually I heard that crocodile meat tastes like chicken... :DD
9th March 2009

haha...sounds like my definition of paradise, j/k :)
7th March 2009

mmm food entries always nice :) I'm missing American fast food like crazy too...although I've seen a couple KFC's...however I didn't find exactly what I was expecting when I went in.
6th March 2009

We are sitting here reading your blog in a really weird hotel with naked female pictures!!
3rd March 2009

eep, I guess ^^;;;. there were times, though, when the two guys we were hitching from pulled over -- and my heart would just stop, lol! ahh...i'm so glad I didn't die.
3rd March 2009

which is why you should VISIT ME. I'll take anyone anywhere in the vicinity if they fly themselves here!! i'll be the residential tour guide in europe!
2nd March 2009

ooo, I am SO bad at this guessing game...I'm not too sure which one of you is which (my instinct tells me that yux is the monster though, lol! :)). monster: HAHA. I wish. Not really. I'm just glad that I didn't end up in a ditch or as roadkill. girl: lol, I am too! But I'm glad we did...'twas cold and dark :{
2nd March 2009

It's amazing how much less creepy hitchhiking is in other countries, isn't it? =D But MARDI GRAS in Europe must've been awesome! Especially since they seemed to know you quite well, haha.
2nd March 2009

It's always nice when I forget that I haven't read your blog and then get to catch up and procrastinate on my loads of work =) BUT IT'S SO PRETTY. You have no clue how immensely jealous I am that you're living there. IN EUROPE. So close to Italy and Greece, aaaaaah!
1st March 2009

monster: lol are you making up these stories?!?! girl: you hitchhiked?!?! i'm still shocked...
28th February 2009

yeah, lol! We were beginning to wonder if you'd really died or not...I'm only going to be here until late April...and it looks like we'll all see each other in Japan! yay! :D
28th February 2009

I did not know you were in a foreign country!!! i mean blame me for not checking your blog earlier but wowowowow!!! that is super awesome! is that why you never respond to my wall msg bc you have bad internet connection? man girl, this is crazy, how long are you there for?
25th February 2009

hahaha...tell your Steve that he should bring his girlfriend to visit :). but then again, she'd probably make me go running 20km a day or something horrible like that :P
22nd February 2009

Your pictures look pretty (I know how you feel about the freezing cold). And the other Steve says hi!
20th February 2009

funny how you mention that it was difficult to figure out the identity of the commenter above...i'm having enough trouble figuring out who you are :P and yux! i wish I could take the dog home for your dad, to replace you. unfortunately, this dog could give him rabies.
20th February 2009

hmph. decent. lol! I'm working/volunteering in Montenegro in a youth suicide prevention program!! come visit me! :)))) how are you?
19th February 2009

ooh long entry! lots of pretty pictures! looks like you're having fun. take pictures of where you're living next. also, i had trouble figuring out who the above commenter was, but i really shouldn't have.
18th February 2009

Hey! I've talked you a decent amount since I went back to school! And you still didn't answer my question xP
18th February 2009

I like how you devoted a paragraph to the dog. Sounds like you spent your vday well (while I spent most of mine driving from Dallas...and sleeping while doing that)
18th February 2009

NATALIE. I haven't talked to you for a long time, that's why! hmph. This is what you get for not talking to me for months at a time: I run off to EUROPE. lol. and don't call me loose, woman!!
18th February 2009

haha! yeah, I can't express how different everything is over here! Everybody here seems so worldly and whatnot... and yux, of course you would enjoy the mental image of headless chickens...I keep telling everyone about you eating dogs in china! :DD

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