Palmers travels' Guestbook

27th March 2017

How do you cope, all the early mornings,finding your way around the cities and railway stations etc etc., driven around like Royalty, upgraded suites, butlers, how do you put up with it?( not that we're jealous) don't worry about all of us
back home sweltering and slaving away, someone has to work!!!Enjoy it all, love Judy & Ferris .
27th March 2017

One thing I don't envy you for is all that fishy food yak! Judy B
27th March 2017

How do you cope, all the early mornings,finding your way around the cities and railway stations etc etc., driven around like Royalty, upgraded suites, butlers, how do you put up with it?( not that we're jealous) don't worry about all of us
back home sweltering and slaving away, someone has to work!!!Enjoy it all, love Judy & Ferris .
26th March 2017

Looks fantastic
26th March 2017

Try going to a restaurant and showing them pictures of the food you'd like on your phone.. try an Aussie to Chinese translation app.. it seems a shame to miss out on food there.. Chinese cuisine is very good.. equal to French! Show them pic
tures..of chicken and vegetable! Dumplings... etc. But how lovely to meet your English speaking dumpling maker! Perhaps he can write an order to give in restaurants for you.... the exhibition looks exhausting! But.... xoxo
26th March 2017

Yum yum yum! Well done!
25th March 2017

Hi Sue, Clint must have been like a kid in a lolly shop with all of those motorised options for tracks!!!
21st March 2017

You lot are never home!! Jealous?? You bet.
21st March 2017

I thought Where's Wally was in Europe.
21st March 2017

Champagne. Totally agree as a great start to any holiday. Let the good times roll.xxxxxxxx
21st March 2017

Left over donor packages? Are you sure its juice?
21st March 2017

Hmm take me to Mc Donalds please.
21st March 2017

Great pics Sue & Clint!
21st March 2017

What's going on? You couldn't get an upgrade on your room? How will you cope?xxxxxxx
21st March 2017

The food pics brings back memories when we were in Shanghai eeek not for me !!
7th March 2017

Love hearing about another one of your amazing adventures! Great photos as well and now definitely keen to visit India! Looking forward to hearing more X
7th March 2017

Love hearing about another one of your amazing adventures! Great photos as well and now definitely keen to visit India! Looking forward to hearing more X
2nd March 2017

Wow that absolutely beautiful
25th February 2017

Wow. What more can I say?
16th February 2017

Wow I'm exhausted reading about your day sounds like a real adventure and yes you definitely find about the lives of other cultures that make you appreciate home. Looking forward to the next travel tale.
15th February 2017

Looks absolutely fantastic enjoy.
15th February 2017

Look at the wiring! If Australia did that the NBN cable would have been rolled out by now.

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