Jackie oh's Guestbook

6th October 2009

Way to go girl!
Hi Jackie, I have been checking in with FB and your blog to see how you are doing. You sound great and the adventures even greater. Way to go girl, you are very courageous. It's your positive and happy spirit that is truly an inspiration. I am thinking of you often. ---Sue
2nd October 2009

Hey Jackie, Haven't received a message from you in a while. How are you doing? I"m sure everything is going great and that you're having fun. Send me a note okay? Love you Fran xoxo
21st September 2009

hey sis
Hi Jackie you sound like you are having the time of you life, I am sooo glad to hear that you legs are getting better and not hurting as much. Too bad you didn't get to see the bulls but I'm sure you will before your adventure is over. Same old same old for us here in Morrisburg. Keep safe and love you lots and miss you lots xxxooo
21st September 2009

Jackie, it seems you are having a wonderful time and meeting wonderful people. I am so happy for you, Love Kathy
20th September 2009

send good vibes
Hi Jackie. Just a note to let you know that I am following your travel blog with much interest and envy. I think you must have inspired Mom because she has signed on with Wendy and Stu to go to Hong Kong, Vietnam and Cambodia in November ! I am jealous of all of you, but will be travelling with you vicariously. Take of those feet and walk in peace. Bill
20th September 2009

G'day, traveller!
Heya Jackie! Sounds like you are having quite an adventure. I can comiserate about the shin splints; I had them from running for FOUR months! But a great healer here in Melbourne helped me fix it, and so quickly (once I found him). To help, try to think of a time when your shins felt perfect, you were in perfect health and strong and fit. Since your muscles can't distinguish between a current thought and remembered thought, they will start to hurt less immediately. Give it a try; it works! Also, lots of ice and gentle massage. :) Sounds like you are meeting some great people. That is always the highlight of a good trip. I am really enjoying your updates, so thank you for taking the time to send them! Enjoy this magical time, and of course... buen camino! x
20th September 2009

:-) So glad everything is moving ...slowly is better because you get to appreicate it all. Keep up the blogs it is just like being there with you. If you think the people passing you thought you were odd for chanting , could you imagine how crazy they would think you were if you were singing a humming song..OMG...they would put you away!!! LOL xox "Why why why.....Delia......"
19th September 2009

My dear Jackie, I am lost . My mom died in April after fighting cancer and I have no idea what to do with myself. I am trying to act normal and I seem normal to other people (I hope!) but nothing is the same inside me. Your travel b-logs help a little. (Just to let you know!) One day, I might do the same thing even though I have no idea what are you talking about some time. I cannot send you the healing thoughts because I don't have them, but I am sending love. Jasna
18th September 2009

Hi Jackie
Hey girl, It sounds like you're having a blast and experiencing good weather as well. Good for you. I got to see your pics...What can I say...WOW!! When I look at them, I feel like I'm there too. Have you had any spiritual experiences? P.S. Take good care of that leg. Maybe you need to rest it (keep elevated) for a few days? Take care love and keep smiling.. xoxoxo
18th September 2009

Thank You
I'm sure everybody enjoys reading your blog probably just as much as you enjoy reading everybody's comments. Thank You for sharing this phenomenal journey with us. Constant healing energy being sent your way. Stay safe Jackie. Rina xo
17th September 2009

ROTFL...... Yes Jackie, you can sing a hobblin song about hobblin along, if you're actually hobblin. If you're walkin you have to sing about walkin along.....sooner or later girlie, you'll get it! Glad to hear you got a little of your own snorin and fartin medicine :-).... Love you lots, thinking of you often
17th September 2009

In Ireland
Hi Jackie, We had been in Toronto for a couple of days and we were up close to Keanu Reeves. Dave was about 2 feet from him, he said he could touch him, he was squished between all these women. He came out of there with a big smile......lol. Keanu Reeves is not very tall and in between movies he grows this awful looking beard. You would think he was a hillbilly....lol. We are in Dublin and just finished having this fantastic meal with some of the people in our group. There are 25 people in our group. People from New Zealand, Newfoundland, Australia, and some from the U.S. I think it is neat the way some people talk with their Irish brogue....lol. The group think it is nice that I am Rosie O'Grady. Anyways, I will let you go as we are pretty tired. We didn't get any sleep on the plane last night as they kept waking us up to give us food or wine or a warm face cloth. I am glad you are with all these nice people.. Take care, Love Rose :-)
17th September 2009

when smells encounter beautiful views...
The world is everywhere... everytime,...and, definitely, it is on the camino ! Camino is life itself, isn't it ? Thank you Jackie for this narrative view, your words vibrate with your experiences. Il's a nice feeling to read you whether it is from packed sleeping room or breathtaking landscapes... I'm glad your leg is feeling better. Your protégée works on integrating the rites... Big warm hugs to you Jackie, Katia
17th September 2009

what an adventure!!
Love the reading Jackie. Where you a writer in a previous life? lol Linda
16th September 2009

Hello from S'toon
Hi Jackie, Sounds like a wonderful adventure, even with the sore leg. I got home yesterday from the hospital. Everything went well during the surgery. Now I just have to heal. I was telling Chuck on the way to the hospital that I wouldn't be much of a woman anymore since all those parts are gone or soon will be... he immediately started singing "You'll always be a woman to me" while patting my leg as he was driving. What a sweetheart... he just keeps on making me love him more. The leaves are beginning to turn here, eventhough the days are still quite warm. I'm still quite sore, so I expect I'll be spending most of the day in bed watching some videos I borrowed from the library. Take care of yourself Jackie. We think of you every day and know that you'll be okay and you're having a wonderful experience. Love you, Nancy xxxooo
16th September 2009

Your trip
Hey Jackie, So glad to hear from you and that you're enjoying your walk. Sorry about your leg. I'll send you distance Reiki tonight. Love you lots and talk to you soon..
15th September 2009

OMG Jack.... your fingers must be almost as sore as your shins with all this typing. I'm sending you loving and healing thoughts so you can get back on the trail. The blog is fabulous keep it up, and you take care of yourself.
15th September 2009

Slow Down
Jackie, I love your blog! Listen to the Camino, slow down, rest your leg and enjoy. Sounds like you are meeting wonderful people (especially the sisters lol). I wish I had your courage to explore the world. Stay safe. LOve, Kathy
15th September 2009

healing energy coming your way
This sounds absolutely miraculous. No need to worry about your injury cause you know there's an abundance of healing energy being sent your way every day and I hope you remember that you can give all your worries to your "little worry people" !!!!!! It all sounds so surreal yet very real at the same time. I'm sure the rest of your journey will be just as magical as the first few days. Try to keep those messages coming as aften as you can as I love to hear from you. Stay safe Jackie, Miss you much Lots of hugs just for you
15th September 2009

I miss you too!
Hi Jackie! I will email you later today. I LOVE reading your travel blog. I had tears in my eyes at one point, you should really think about publishing a short novel about this journey. I will send LOTS of healing energy (I'm still a newbie at this, but I'll do my best!) Fill you in later today. Healing Hugs...Mary Lou xo
15th September 2009

Healing energy and BIG hugs...
Hi Dear Jackie, I love your updates and hope you're ok. I just wanted to let you know that I will be sending you healing energy every day on your journey! xoxo Love, Christine
10th September 2009

So Happy For You!
Your trip sounds wonderful Jackie, and I'm sure it will continue that way. I love reading your blog... it's almost like being there myself! What a great adventure for you! Miss you... Love, Nancy xxxooo
10th September 2009

Hey Jackie, I'm glad you enjoyed your stay in Paris and look forward to seeing more pics. Too bad about your tooth. I'm sure you'll find a good dentist in Spain. A song keeps popping up in my head "On the road again"..lol All the best during your camino walk sweetie. Fran xoxo
9th September 2009

Walk safe and no humming songs!
Hi Jackie, just got home from my Canada trip and... HAPPY! I had a great time and the benchmark for my CS-experiences was definitely set by you and Camino-Ken and of course Hot-Tub-Pat and Nathalie! Have a wonderful trip on the Camino and hope to see you soon in Germany - started already to rehearse with the black forest cake... I guess we might go to a bakery ;-(
9th September 2009

Miss You Big!
Bonjour Jackie, Looks like you have landed safely and are starting your adventure with some good friends. The pictures are great......can't wait to see more! I look forward to seeing Europe through your eyes over the next months.

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