Andi and Paul's Guestbook

31st May 2017

Missed this!
Just read your nightmare journey to Togean Islands blog. Had missed this as haven't looked at emails since arriving in Trearddur bay. Having a good time. Love it here. Weather not bad so far, a bit mixed, but soldiering on in the true British holiday maker style. Love the blogs but so glad I read about all your disasters after the event! Look after yourselves! Love Mum x
From Blog: The visa run
31st May 2017

Have already started this once!! So apologies if you have received part of it already! You certainly know how to travel. Think I would cry! Makes A55 to Anglesey seem like a dream! I hope rest of your journey and holiday went without a hitch. But can't see that happening! Can't wait for next installment - at least we know you 're alive!!! Take care. Love Mum x TV
29th May 2017

Elephant trousers
Loving these blogs! I bought elephant trousers in Cambodia for the exact same reason and wore them all the time (best £5 I spent!). Everything looks amazing, I need to get an Asia gap year planned (as I watch the rain on a bank holiday Monday!). Larrie X
21st May 2017

Glad to hear you are coping with the heat (just!!) and the culture. You will have moved on by now of course. Sorry to hear about the vodka crisis and the maid's disposal of your stash!!! Hope you have managed to find new supplies!? Your next 9 days sounds hectic! You will be ready for some quality R and R. Have fun! Mx
21st May 2017

Hi Hello again
Very impressed that you made sunrise as I know you don't do early mornings! But wow, amazing photos! (Christmas morning will be quite a lie in after that!!). Your celebrity status must feel very odd! But you must be getting used to it by now! Gives you a bit of insight into how it must be to be famous - movie stars, royalty etc. It's not all good! Take care. Mx
21st May 2017

Glad to hear you are coping with the heat (just!!) and the culture. You will have moved on by now of course. Sorry to hear about the vodka crisis and the maid's disposal of your stash!!! Hope you have managed to find new supplies!? Your next 9 days sounds hectic! You will be ready for some quality R and R. Have fun! Mx
19th May 2017
Sunset on the boat (and not a Bintang in sight!)

Wow - reall enjoyed reading your latest blog. What an amazing experience! Well several amazing experiences really! Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay. Not sure where you are now. Will look at the itinerary! Have fun whatever you are up to! And wherever you are! Mx
14th May 2017

Hello again
Enjoyed the latest blog and the lovely photos. You certainly have your ups and downs. But always bounce back. Thankfully! Got quite excited about the wedding comment! Only joking!! Hope your next journey goes well. We are loving Santorini. It's very hot. We are getting August temperatures instead of May ones. It's stunningly beautiful. The touristy parts are very busy. Dread to think what they would be like in high season. Had a car for 3days. So have 'done 'the island!!! I fell out of the swimming pool on the second day. Didn't know if I 'd broken leg, back or both! But just very sore and swollen leg !! Anyway have a lovely time in Java. Look forward to the next installment! Mx
9th May 2017

Looks lovely, but not sure I'd survive it with my fear of heights!
9th May 2017

Looks better than Blackpool!
Well it looks a lot prettier than Blackpool! ? Can't believe how many places you made it to in just three weeks. No wonder you were ready to chill out in Gili!
9th May 2017

Same here in SE Asia
We have run into the Chinese shoving and pushing and queue-jumping problem in a few places in SE Asia. Chinese crowds really know how to ruin a place! But the scenery looked amazing!
From Blog: Tianmen Mountain
6th May 2017

Oh wow - it all looks so lovely! What a fabulous place. Bet you really loved the change of pace after your hectic weeks in China and the nightmare travel situation from there to Indonesia. Hope all goes smoothly from now on. Mx Not sure if you are getting these messages but am living in hope!!
6th May 2017

We're getting your messages, thank you!
Hey Chris, yes we are getting your messages, thank you so much. Good to know someone is reading the blogs! We've just spent a lovely day relaxing by the pool in our new place. The views are phenomenal - Paul commented on how much it would blow your mind - we will post some pictures in the next blog.
6th May 2017

Oh goodness, what a nightmare! Glad you made it out of China eventually! How very frustrating. Glad you got most of your money back from your duplicate flight.Hope you are having some well earned R and R! We are off to Santorini on Tuesday.. Chris was delighted with his surprise present. Hope it is a more straightforward journey than yours! But we are travelling Thomas Cook so fingers crossed!! Enjoy Indonesia and take care of yourselves. Have fun! Mx
From Blog: The Long Goodbye
6th May 2017

Oh goodness, what a nightmare! Glad you made it out of China eventually! How very frustrating. Glad you got most of your money back from your duplicate flight.Hope you are having some well earned R and R! We are off to Santorini on Tuesday.. Chris was delighted with his surprise present. Hope it is a more straightforward journey than yours! But we are travelling Thomas Cook so fingers crossed!! Enjoy Indonesia and take care of yourselves. Have fun! Mx
From Blog: The Long Goodbye
30th April 2017

Hello again
This is the 3rd attempt!!! Have a good journey and a brilliant time in Indonesia. Hope you manage some R and R after your hectic trip to China. Loads of love. xxx
From Blog: Tianmen Mountain
24th April 2017

Cruise sounds a bit of a mixed success !. At least it was 3days and not a week !. Sounds terrifying ( to me ! ) being the only two westerners amongst all those chinese people. But at least you were truly immersed in a genuine Chinese holiday experience. Bet you will never complain about noisy British hotels again !. Enjoy your ( hopefully ) restfull period in your posh hotels. Hope journey onward to Indonesia goes well. Love to you both xx.
17th April 2017

So fun!
So fun to see this! I keep telling scott I'd go back with him if he wanted to see Beijing, but he doesn't. He's very anti-China from a political and human rights point of view (which I totally get) but it still doesn't change the fact that China is a pretty cool place to visit! Surprised you can do Facebook, by the way. I thought it was banned! I guess it's banned just for residents, not visitors?
From Blog: The Great Wall
17th April 2017

Oops toilets!
Hi! Loved this blog! And oops, sorry. I should have warned you about the toilets. I still remember my first experience. There was a queue and as I got to the front, I remember praying that the next to come available was an end one. But no, of course it was the one straight in front, the easiest for everyone in the queue to stare straight into. Aaagh!
17th April 2017

The Wall
Wow what a brilliant trip!! How did you do it with no crowds!!!? The photos I have seen always show hoardes of folk!!! It looked spectacular! So glad it exceeded your expectations. Sometimes these things are a bit of a disappointment. But clearly not. Hope the rest of your trip is as great. Have fun!!! Mx
From Blog: The Great Wall
17th April 2017

The Wall
Wow what a brilliant trip!! How did you do it with no crowds!!!? The photos I have seen always show hoardes of folk!!! It looked spectacular! So glad it exceeded your expectations. Sometimes these things are a bit of a disappointment. But clearly not. Hope the rest of your trip is as great. Have fun!!! Mx
From Blog: The Great Wall
13th April 2017

Good to hear from you. Your itinerary made me tired - just reading it!!! Your first week in China sounded lovely. So glad it has been such a success. You both look very well, very happy, very relaxed. Hope the rest of your trip is just as good. Keep in touch - it is so good to hear you. Have fun. Loads of love. Mum x
29th March 2017

Oh oh la la
Well I still don't know what "self arrest" means (but I'm presuming it means stop yourself or you'll go hurtling off the mountain to your death) but I instantly understood the title! Sounds scary! Off to China now?
29th March 2017

Knew I could count on you!
Yeah. Someone got the song reference! We're sat at Denver airport waiting for our flight back to London. We have a week back in Nottingham to organise our lives and ourselves and get ready for part 2 of the trip. Hope all is good in Thailand!
17th March 2017

Looks Lovely
Have already tried to send this on my phone but don't know if it was sent. So appologies. Glad you are having a great time. Big Sky sounds and looks lovely. Not surprised you don't want to leave. Hope you got the Happy Birthday message. How was the 40th birthday in the snow ?. !! Have fun, will see you soon. xx Mum

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