Merry Christmas, Ho Chi Minh!

Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City
December 25th 2008
Published: December 25th 2008
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Well, here we go, the first blog entry in nearly a month. I can’t quite explain how I’ve managed to neglect it for so long, suffice to say that I tried writing a new entry twice and both times shut the computer before finishing the first paragraph. I think it has something to do with making the transition from traveling abroad to living abroad and in doing so, I find myself chronicling my ex... Read Full Entry

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26th December 2008

Thom, I've gotta say this is my favorite part of the entry: Additionally, anything short of slinging Ho Chi Minh’s dead body into the passenger seat and riding around reciting lines from Apocalypse Now through a megaphone, Vietnamese policemen will never pull over riders of bicycles or electric bikes. I just have this Weekend at Bernie's style image of o Chi Mihn rolling around on your electric bike and everyone looking at you like you're insane. EPIC. Merry Christmas in Vietnam.

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