First Day

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Asia » Vietnam » Southeast » Ho Chi Minh City » District 1
November 14th 2012
Published: November 15th 2012
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Well today has been interesting... Got up had chicken noodles for brekkie which was a bit strange, got chatting to a couple from NZ who seem cool and will hopefully have a drink or two with them tonight. We then decided to go to a massive market called Ben Than but on the way were getting hassled left right and centre from loads of Thai men on mopeds asking to take us on tours. In the end we decided to just go for it as there was a lot to see and the city is too big to get around on by foot.

Jumped on the back of a moped each and got taken around to a few different places which we wouldn't have otherwise seen. First we stopped off at The war remnant museum which was so disturbing as it showed all of the ways the americans totured the vietnamese during the war and pictures of actual prisoners which wasnt very nice.. then we hopped back onto the mopeds and they decided to drive us all the way across the city to an ugly grey river (just to keep us on the bikes for a bit longer to bump up the price!!) here we had one picture and then jumped back on as there was just nothing there. Then we went to a temple which had so many incent sticks burning that it made my eyes hurt and there was ash falling all over the place, didn't stay too long, just got a few pictures and then moved on to a massive market where Seans driver was dragging us around trying to get us to buy things haha. Sean ended up with som lovely gucci flip flops haha! Anyway when it came to paying we got totally ripped off because we basically paid twice without even realising!! GRR. Anyway, that taught us a lesson so we will definitely be a bit more aware in future!

Went to the market, picked up some real gucci sunglasses 😉.. haha. Came back to the hotel had a few hours sleep and then headed out for a meal and some drinks. Ended up in this street bar where BIG beers are 30p and the strongest vodka lemonades are less than a pound!

Had a fun fun day!! :D

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15th November 2012

ha ha
Loved reading your first two posts which made me laugh! So, day 2 and you have already eaten noodles for breakfast, bought fake flipflops and sunglasses, almost missed a plane and been rippsed off by a taxi driver - sounds about right in Asia! ha ha Sean looks very unsure and nervous on the back of that scooter! ha ha - did you have any drinks with the Kiwis? That scooter with all the boxes on the back basically looks like me coming back from Homebase the other night ha ha Take care - lots of love Sxx
15th November 2012

happy holiday
wow! what a great start to your holiday. It looks amazing - the moped driver looks a bit overloaded!! Have fun lots of love M xx
15th November 2012

fab pics!
So wonderful to see ur first few photos!!! I'm smiling!! Xxxx

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