Hazards, Tailors and Garlic

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December 7th 2008
Published: December 7th 2008
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Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum, HanoiHo Chi Minh's Mausoleum, HanoiHo Chi Minh's Mausoleum, Hanoi

We didn't go in here. It was shut
Thought I'd take the strain off Nic and write a little blog whilst he's getting stressed out downloading photos! We left Hue this morning after a rainy two days and began the 5 hour bus journey to Hoi An. The packed bus crossed bridges I wouldn't have even felt safe walking over, through deep mud, over-looking jungle and rice fields, over-taking oil tankers (on blind corners at ridiculous speeds with even bigger oil-tankers flying round the corner the opposite directions). Twas a bit crazy but we arrived safe and sound! The biggest hazard on the way here was the filthy squat toilet I encountered-but I'm beginning to master that, along with the whole chop-stick thing! Mmmmm talking about chop-sticks we've just had some of the best food so-far, our tailor (that's another story) recommended a lil place for us where we had some of the best spring rolls, wanton, veg smothered in garlic and cao lau (a local noodle dish)...it was beautiful but we stink of garlic...you may be able to smell it from back home?! Hoi An is apparently renowned for it's tailors so we thought we'd have a lil look...Nic already decided he wanted a suit made (silk lined with his name embroidered...big girl)...and I'd fancied a dress that was all tucked in at the middle but fitted around my big bum....we ended up with 2 suits and 5 shirts for Nic, 2 shirts, a coat, a dress and some trousers for myself!...she was a good sales woman! Anyhoo, thanks for everyone's comments and messages, keep them coming as they make me smile! Big love Cat xxx oooh just seen some of the pics Nic's trying to download (apologies they're not spectacular, I blame the weather) and have to mention the coffee...it is LUSH they drink it with sweetened condensed milk!!!mmmmm!!! (Dad you'd love it...but you wouldn't be allowed it!)

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Grim fish in Hue Imperial CityGrim fish in Hue Imperial City
Grim fish in Hue Imperial City

I think they're Carp. Could well be wrong

7th December 2008

Should you really
Not too impressed with mode of transprt. Remember the Bristish standards kite mark!
16th December 2008

Hoi Hoi!!
This all looks amazing! I'm so glad I'm such a good stalker and managed to find out I could keep up with you both on this blog! I'm so glad you're having a good time so far; make sure the tailor compensates for the weight you're likely to lose in Thailand!! I came back a shadow of my former self; as you know Cat... Anyhow, I'll be looking out for the next instalment, nausea and all! Stay safe you two. Pete. xxx

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