Na Trang

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Asia » Vietnam » South Central Coast » Khanh Hoa » Nha Trang
January 8th 2007
Published: January 10th 2007
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We arried midday on Sunday with an idea of where to stay, which was just a 5 minute walk from where the bus dropped us off. It was quite windy and the waves were really crashing now on the beach, so no diving yet for me, god damn!

We met Adam in the evening for and had something to eat and drink with him. Found a really cheap bar which sold a litre of local good beer for 12,000 dong (about 40p).

On Monday we did a city tour, which was pants. We got picked up at 8am and was supposed to finish at 3pm, however we were done for 12 o'clock! First we visited the oceanographic, which had a few interesting species in but the aquarium in Shanghai was much better. We saw all sorts from star fish to coral sharks but i enjoyed seeing clown fish and angel fish (like from finding nemo!). The worst bit was in the archives where we saw dead fish in formalin, even saw a dead sea cow, yuck!

Next we visited Bao Dai Villas which was PANTS! You couldn't go inside as it was derelict , and there was
Long Son PagodaLong Son PagodaLong Son Pagoda

The 9 metre high seated Buddha
sod all to see. The only thing in it's benefit was that it was on top of a hill it had some good views of th coast, but it would have been better if the weather wasn't so bad!

We then went to Long San Pagoda which was built in 1963. This was the most interesting part of the day and we didn't have to pay extra for admission. We went into the temple first and then climbed the steps behing which lead up to a 14 metre long sleeping buddha, then behind this was a 9 metre high seated buddha. The only bad part was the amount of beggers there!

We then headed to Cham Pongar which is built on a hill just outside the city. Originally eight towers that were built the 7th and 12th centuries, now only four remain. The largest was built in 817AD and is 23 metres high, it is said that you can make one wish and it WILL come true, we will have to see!

We then visited Chong Promotory, a rock formation known as husband and wife. Which was pretty cool, not that exciting though. One the back of the rock lots of people had written theirs and their partners names, how sweet!

Fiunally we went to Cho Dam (central market), my mum will be pleased to know that i didn't purchase anything! I am quite shocked myself...

In the afternoon we chilled in the Zippo bar and watched Pulp Fiction before catching the night bus to Hoi An.


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