Meet Ngoc

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April 23rd 2006
Published: April 24th 2006
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Ngoc is 6 years old and was born with cerebral palsy. In Vietnam, children born with disabilities are often left at the orphanage. A disabled child means one less working parent, which means less money, and less food.

Ngoc’s family took the more difficult option, and do their best to take care of Ngoc themselves. Ngoc is fortunate to be surrounded by a loving family, but they too have no money. They are refused any medical treatment and Ngoc has never seen a doctor.

When Karen met them 5 years ago they were living in a banana leaf hut filled with holes and a dirt floor. Ngoc’s Mom, Chao, stays home to take care of Ngoc. Funds were so sparce that Chao needed to mastecate all of Ngoc’s food because they could not afford a blender. This family was the first to be sponsored by Karen’s program, and it is actually Karen’s own friends and family who sponsor them. She explained how the sponsorship purchased things like a stroller, a blender, and plastic bath and eventually a new house. They also sponsor Ngoc’s 16-year-old brother Khanh to go to school so he can have an education.

Karen is currently looking into the option of having a medical operation done, not for cosmetic purposes, but so that Ngoc may be able to do things like sit up and feed herself as she grows older. They are hoping to fly Ngoc and mom to Saigon for an assessment on Karen’s next trip.

Ngoc and her family are lucky to have been connected with Karen. I remember when stopping at the orphanage 1 month ago, how many children were there with disabilities, and I wonder how many parents had no choice but to give them up because they couldn’t afford to keep them.



25th April 2006

Give give give
Three little words, Give Give,Give - we all have so much to offer. Just take a minute out of your life to compare your life with the millions of similar people round the world in need, and you WILL realise how blessed you really are! So give generously to Lifestart Foundation in ANY way you can. Get involved and if you can't, then send something to keep the wonderful work going.Your life will be so much richer!

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