The Typhoon is coming..... im outer here!!

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Asia » Vietnam » North Central Coast » Thua Thien - Huế » Hué
December 10th 2006
Published: January 3rd 2007
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i want one i want one hahahah here you are baby one for you especially
Current Mood: Top of the world.... its so warm and ive seen a coastline!!

Well well well to get Hue was a bitch!! we opted for the great old sleeper bus with a difference................... they recline as farback as an upright!!! Never the less for a six stop bus ride from the north of vietnam to the south we were not to expect the ritz!!!

well we arrive in Hue and it looks great!! little sleepy town with an inner city that is surrounded by a wall holding many of Vietnams War sites and historic stories!!! thatll be tommorow!! For now we are to get an hours sleep and see what the day will bring!!!

Day one was a simple one really!! Han and i got some rest in our first Anphu... Pretty reasonable room and went out to see a few sights!!! Quickly i wanted to introduce Han to my skills on the mo-peds so without further adooo we went for food to return to the bikes!!!

AAhhhhh it was great to be able to take Han out to see more of Nam than just the city she had experienced so playing the left and right game we ended up very lost but finding my first coastline of my trip!!! i was stoked!! hahahahah me on the beach again and boy oh boy do i love sand!!! its wrecks perfectly good sarnies hahahah!!

soo on route to being lost we spotted some really great sites so Han wanted to make some pictures!!! so on her alert we were to stop so she could jump off!!! oooooooooooooooops hahahah she said stop and i was a little slow in doing so!! in her pissy moods that are very sexy hahaha she jumped off the bike and wait for it................. oh yes she 'MELTED THE SKIN OFF HER LEG RIGHT DOWN TO THE SORE FLESH REVEALING MUSCLE ON THE EXHAUST OF THE BIKE" hahahah or got a little burn on her leg!! the wimp hahahah xxx love ya puddin!!

So in a strop and an undersdtandable winge we shot out towards the digs so she could tend to her scar from Nam not before breaking down as the petrol gages dont seem to work out here hahaha!!!
After tending to her wounds we opted to sleep which was nice as the room in Hanoi was a dorm!!! at least we had our own space here!!

Day two took us by surprise!!! there is a storm brewing so we plan to see what we can before getting out of town~!!! In wonder we went down the strip to get a look at the city within the walls and found it to be nice in the end!!! before hand we were mobbed by every tout asking us to get on there boat for a tour so after a little shop Han and i decided to jump aboard!! it weas a great laugh actually.... played with a little dog and generally just chatted and pissed about!!! on return we were to be dropped on the inner city side where we took part in the cyclo tours that were awesome!!! hahahah how uncomfy is one of those when there are two of you in them in the pissing down rain?? hahahah what a blast!!

so after a tour around the inner temples we shot back to get pics burnt to cd and get some munch!!! the wether is pish so tomorrow we leave for Hoi an!!!

Day three was simply the wait for the Bus and the trip to Hoi an which i hear is nice!!!

stay tuned for more goss on our wonderful adventure!!!

love from a brummy

I love and miss everyone from home!!! love to all of the kids!! miss you all!!!

ya brother Niki

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pretty scenery im now introublepretty scenery im now introuble
pretty scenery im now introuble

hans flesh had burnt off uuuuurrrrrgh

3rd January 2007

Ahhhhh the bike exhaust thing I have done its magnificantly painful! Stay safe lovely xxxx

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