Phuket...and some pictures from the beach excursion with CCS

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October 7th 2008
Published: October 7th 2008
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Swadeka!!! (hello in Thai)

So a ton as happened since my last blog. The Thai cooking class was fun, we cooked some an interesting dish known as Thai Sticky balls, which are pretty much rice flour balls boiled in water and then added to coconut water. It was very interesting and the texture was sorta like bubble gum, I didn't like it very much but it was definitely an experience. Later that night some of us volunteers went down to the night market, but it was kinda sorta boring and so we just hit up the local bar and had a couple of drinks.


So the day care is absolutely amazing. I love it there. Today we went off separately with different teachers. I went with Krue(teacher) Phon(which means rain) to the gym with some of the two year olds which included the cutest little boy in the whole entire world, except he didn't/doesn't like furang(non thais). But by the end of the day I could totally make him smile and occasionally, occasionally he would hold my hand, but he still wont let us pick him up yet (we are working on it though). After work today we went to a botanical garden, but it was more like a forrest walk, not really a garden. We didn’t see that much wild life, we saw a tree frog and a LOT of ants and tons of yummy bugs.


So our last day at the day care of the first week and we didn’t really do anything new. We decided to make he kids name tags and have them color them themselves. It was really fun and we made a little more progress with the kid that used to cry all the time. His name is Nine and he is honestly the cutest kid I have ever seen.
After work around 3 we all loaded up on a bus for a 5 hour bus ride up to Phuket. Phuket is AMAZING! We stayed in a 3 star hotel for around 45USD a night, but the hotel was amazing! It was right on the beach, literally you could see the sand from our first floor room and it had 2 pools both with pool bars and a massage place, except the massages at the hotel were a little more pricy then those at the place a little bit up the beach. All in all the hotel was amazing. The beach we stayed on Bong Tao was really nice, the nicest in Phuket it was AMAZING. Clear blue waters with white sand beaches and beach bars up and down the beach.

The first night there we just all went to bed fairly early, not wanting to be hungover or tired for the next day. The first day at the beach was unbelievable. The water was so warm and the beer nice and cold ;-) Of course I had to go and get stung by a jelly fish twice on both legs and believe me that hurts like a biotch. Sam and Nicole(two volunteers) also got stung so we kinda went through the pain together. We went to this beach restaurant/bar for lunch and the lady there made us up this home remedy for jellyfish bites, it was so cool, it only took her like 10 minutes to make and it worked right away.
That night we went to this temple that was supposed to have Knife ladder climbing but it had actually been cancelled for 3 years, but the guide book just hadn’t updated it 😞 bummer. But it was still fun and we had some street food for dinner, all vegetarian of course because it was the vegetarian festival still. After the disappointment of there being no knife ladder climbing we decided to make our way to Patong Beach. RIDICULOUS!! Patong is like Las Vegas with legal prostitution. It was insane. I don't even think I can do it justice but it was so much fun and everyone there was so nice and you could play jeinga and connect four with the "lady friends" and it was just insane. I ended up heading back early with Kiri and Paul (2 other volunteers and kiri, my room mate on this trip) because Kiri ended up drinking just a little more then the rest of us and throwing up...not a good time.


I woke up pretty early Saturday morning and called back home (friday night for you guys) and just relaxed for a little before hitting up the the shade though because friday I got so burnt it wasn't even funny. As I sit here writing this right now my nose is actually times. So we went and grabbed lunch at the same place as yesterday, the food was amazing and the people there so nice. After lunch I joined Kiri back in our room and we both slept till it was time to go back out. That night we decided to go and see some fire walking and at first we were brought to the wrong temple so we sorta gave up and decided to walk around and look for a bar which brought us to these two taxi drivers that claimed they knew where the fire walking was so we took our chances. They brought us to the right place but I wasn’t feeling so good so I decided to go back to the hotel and retire early 😊


Kiri and I decided on room service for breakfast and massages. It was amazing. Thai massages are just unbelievably...weird...haha the only way to describe it. It isn’t so much a massage as it is hard core pushing and pulling. But in the end it feels really good.
After our massage we had to hope on the bus for the 5 hour bus ride was hot and all I wanted was to be back home sleeping in my own bed 😊

I miss you guys like crazy you can’t even begin to imagine. I’m afraid to get sick, everyone is sick and I just don’t even want to think how much I’m going to want to be in my own bed and home with my family when it is finally my turn to get sick...

Well only 6 more weeks...I think you guys might HAVE to come and visit me, or I don’t know if I’ll be able to do it...come on....COME AND VISIT!!

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Photos: 104, Displayed: 26



Mom these are live sand dollars :) I thought of you

There weree SOOOOO MANY!!!

these are some live sand dollars, or sand baht (baht is the Thai currency)

Thai cooking class

Sticky rice balls

Botanical garden

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