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July 6th 2012
Published: July 8th 2012
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So last night the boys all had redbull extra, 1000mg of caffeine, I decided considering I couldn’t do much with all this that energy I’d just chill out with them while we ate. Fell asleep in the hammock with Elle magazine and decided it was bedtime. Anyway the boys went out fire skipping, drinking and having fun, wah. But there is no way I would have been able to partake and therefore enjoy that. So I got some sleep and they weren’t back till 8am, redbull well done. So today I’d kept my own company as they were fast asleep most of it and went shooting this afternoon which I wasn’t too fussed about. There is the cutest puppy that lives across from us that you can pick up and cuddle, amazing. The beach was lovely this morning when I was able to catch up on this blog but this afternoon it’s thunderstorms. Still warm but the rain has cut through the humidity which is pleasant. Weighing up going out tonight as tomorrow we move on to Samui. May well just grin and bear it as three nights in would feel tragic. Depends how far we need to go as it would be a bit unfortunate for my resolve to walk to break in the middle of another jungle party. We shall see. No shame in reading, even if it makes dull blogging, if it means I can recover for the week ahead. I want to go camping and diving so I better not push my luck. Just got another mosquito bite reminding me to take my malarone.

In the end we went for dinner and a movie which I appreciate as I literally really cannot walk. So annoying. Someone even stopped to see if they could give me a lift home, I look so pathetic haha. Oh well, it's not game over, just need to rest it 😊

Catch you later, peace and love from Katie


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