Sleep all day, Party all night

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
March 17th 2006
Published: March 30th 2006
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Hi guys, we're currently on Koh Phangan, and its without a doubt one of the most amazing places I've ever been! When we got here from Koh Tao we thought we'd spend maybe 4 or 5 nights here, but its now been about 2 weeks and we're only just geting ready to leave!
We're staying in Haad Rin, which is definitly the place to be if you're looking for a party!
For nearly all of our time here we've been staying at a little bungalow on the beach, and its got more or less the perfect location, its right in the middle of the beach, and its right next door to the Cactus Club, which is the bar where most people start their about midnight!
For most of our time here our daily routine's been more or less the same. We'd get up at about 3 in the afternoon, play football on the beach until it gets dark, watch a DVD when we have our dinner and then go out for the night until 4-7 am! So with a routine like that its a pretty hard place to leave.
One of the best things about the island though is definitly the people we met. On one of our first days here we met two guys from Israel called Oran and Shai. For about a week before they left we'd spend most days with them (except when Oran had a really fun trip to Burma) either at the beach playing football or on their porch with some sangsom...which is either the best or worst drink I've ever had, I still can't decide. They also introduced us to the balloon game at Cactus, which is an awesome game where about 20 drunk people tie a balloon to their ankle and the last person with a balloon left wins a bucket of sangsom, and in the whole time we've been here we've won something like 3 buckets and 5 bottles of beer!
Another GOOD thing about this place is the buckets, all along the beach between the two main bars, Cactus and Drop In, there are about 10 stalls selling buckets of alcohol, you get either a bottle of vodka or whisky, some red bull or coke and some ice and just poor it all in a big bucket, and its crazily cheap aswell!
After Oran and Shai left the Island, which really sucked because they were definitly the guys we've got on best with out here, we met two girls, one from Canada and the other from Salisbury, so we spent quite a bit of time with them which was cool, and we spent pretty much all of yesterday in their pool...even when they weren't there!
We're leaving the Island today and we're all definitly going to miss it because its definitly the place where we've had the most fun and met the people we've got on with best, but we're about to go to Koh Phi Phi, which is where they filmed The Beach, so that should be amazing aswell.
I hope everyones well and I miss you all lots. xxx


30th March 2006

Hi Will, Can't believe I'm the first to make comment. At least the buckets were for the drinks ,not because of them!sounds like you're having a brilliant time nightseeing(thought you may be missing my corny jokes). Hope next destination is just as good, I think the party precedent has been set. love u lots. Mum
2nd April 2006

hi will! this all sounds sooo fun, but soon you have to leave for Oz. sounds like you have met some really nice people too! love emma.

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