We LOVE this place

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Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Pha-Ngan
January 18th 2008
Published: January 20th 2008
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Our morning journey beginsOur morning journey beginsOur morning journey begins

This is at a pier getting ready to head to Koh Pha-Ngan
Ahhhh... A/C and the internet, such an amazing world that we inhabit. Surrounded by traditional street vendors, clothes sellers, pots and pans, we just saw Thai instruments and guitars, and not-so-traditional backpackers yet here we sit connected to you all.
Today we are back to the main port town of Thong Sala about to head to our remotest spot yet- in Haad Tian, on the SE coast. We have experienced almost nothing but peace and joy here. We are very fortunate indeed.
Chalok Lam in the NNW was a great decompression spot. A lot of chilling in our 2 hammocks, good food, and cool Ovaltine or coconut shakes. We found our favorite restaurant and last night had grilled fish that was heavenly! Perfect texture, touch of smokiness, just the right touch of spices. Mmmmmmm. Plus I strayed from my usual Singha and had another Chang. For some reason it was just right, too. We have been swimming in the Gulf, slightly cool on first entering and then ahhhhh. Last night we watched the sun go down over the jungle-clad hills while being lulled by waves, floating in each others' arms.

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We made it!We made it!
We made it!

At our Island paradise in Chalok Laam
View from our porchView from our porch
View from our porch

A beautiful yet typical view. What a slice of paradise!
Easy directionsEasy directions
Easy directions

See? It's so easy to navigate around here.
Walking over the 'hill'Walking over the 'hill'
Walking over the 'hill'

A HOT day walking to the next bay for lunch.

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