Krabi - Snorkelling & A Storm

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April 27th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Various views from Phi Phi TripVarious views from Phi Phi TripVarious views from Phi Phi Trip

Maya Bay, used in the film The Beach

Well another bus journey that seemed to last forever! Set off from Ko Samui at 6.30am and arrived at Krabi at 2.30pm, but once again the journey wasn’t that far and the air conditioning on the bus was shocking, but on a plus, my ipod worked this time!!

Accommodation here is fabulous, just seems quiet after the late nights and bars of Ko Samui, although probably need a few days to get all beer out my system! Walked for about 2hours on the first day along the beach and back and just sat and watched the sun start to set…beautiful!

Speed boat trip & snorkelling today around Phi Phi Islands. As you can see from the pictures the scenery was out of this world. Stopped at Maya Bay which was used for the filming of the beach, unfortunately no Leonardo there, but still spectacular. We also went to Lohsamah Bay & Pi Ley Bay before stopping for Lunch a Phi Phi Don. This is when the trip got really interesting!! As we left Phi Phi Don, one of the tour guides mentioned rain. The further we got out into the sea, the bigger this big black cloud got. He then requested that we all put our cameras away and put all our bags in the store area! The sea then started to get a little “choppy” should I say. We were then told we must all put on life jackets…never a good sign! He then announced everyone must remain seated as “big wave on way”. Well bearing in mind we are in the middle of Tsunami territory, probably not the best comment to make, needless to say there were a few worried faces on the boat, especially as the guide spoke only Thai and English and the majority of the people on the boat where European and English was their second language, the didn’t fully understand. So there we where in the middle of the Andaman Sea, in pretty stormy conditions. The driver decided to just take us to the nearest beach to anchor up until it passed, so 10 minutes later I had the feeling of being shipwrecked! This beach was literally, just a beach with a huge green mountain. So we all decided to get off the boat and go swimming/snorkelling. Well by this point we were soaked and pretty cold, as it was raining quite heavily, and as I have mentioned in previous entries the sea is like a hot bath, so we all jumped in. 20 minutes later, all was calm again, so off we set for a final bit of snorkelling at Bamboo Island before heading back!...Quite an adventure, definitely not as described in the brochure!!

As I mentioned, this place is pretty quiet and the bungalows are a little off the beaten track, so I have done the unthinkable and hired a moped!! But by the time I publish this entry, hopefully I will have survived!!!

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They thought it was funny to throw loads of bread around me so i would be surrounded by fish

They thought it was funny to throw loads of bread around me so i would be surrounded by fish
Various views from Phi Phi TripVarious views from Phi Phi Trip
Various views from Phi Phi Trip

Used in the film The Beach
Various views from Phi Phi TripVarious views from Phi Phi Trip
Various views from Phi Phi Trip

The aproach to Maya Bay, used in the film The Beach

3rd May 2007

these photos are amazing jen look after yourself

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