The Art of Thai Barbecue and Elephant Riding, among many other adventures

Asia » Thailand » Northern Thailand » Phrae
July 8th 2008
Published: July 8th 2008
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Where to start? I had planned to do a whole entry just about food, but since I went a good 3 or 4 days with little to no internet, I'm now terribly behind and will have to just right about food, elephants, and the kitchen sink. So eating in Thailand is a fantastic experience. Almost everything is tasty, and each meal comes with the adventure of unidentifiable ingredients and the risk of too muc... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 31, Displayed: 21


My night in the hospitalMy night in the hospital
My night in the hospital

Hospital hotel that is!

Mae Sa Elephant Camp

At this gorgeous mountainside restaurant that overlooked a stream with a waterfall... Huyen, Rose, and Pi Nang, our guide for the weekend.

As seen in the Queen's Project Botanical Gardens in Mae Sa.
More pretty flowersMore pretty flowers
More pretty flowers

And a grasshopper too!

8th July 2008

living vicariously...
Locked in the library and procrastinating reading your blog :) thanks in advance for the present!!!! Wish I was there....though the jumping shrimp made me gag a little....;)

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