Raindrops on Roses

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August 19th 2006
Published: August 22nd 2006
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After my trip to Sukothai I came back to Chiang Mai to catch up with my parents and sister Becca for 10 days or so before I leave to head to the UK. We spent the weekend in Chiang Rai which I'd never been to before, its almost like a mini Chiang Mai: a smaller night market, less tourists and a nice place to visit. It seems to attract tourists for its location, only an hour or so away from the Golden Triangle which we also visited. It is the junction between Burma, Laos and Thailand and from the shores of the Mekong River you can see all 3 countries at once. They have a cool little opium museum that is worth a visit and other touristy things which, being seasoned Thailand travelers, we chose not to do.

The highlight of the weekend was our trip to the Mae Fah Luang Garden in Doi Tung. It was raining and the mountain was covered in mist and we weren’t sure if it would be worth the 80B, but I think it was. I know very little about flowers except that they are beautiful so will need a lesson from Nana on these. It rained the entire time so most of these photos were taken from under an umbrella which mom very patiently held.

This brings my Thailand travels to an end for now; I fly to Europe on August 25th. From there I'm meeting up with a friend, Kathy, and we will spend the week in Amsterdam, Brussels and Glasgow before finally arriving in London on September 1st. Am really looking forward to seeing all the UK crew again and to life in England but will always miss Thailand. I'll be back for a final family Christmas here in not too long so its something to look forward to.

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Photos: 42, Displayed: 23


More Plants in BottlesMore Plants in Bottles
More Plants in Bottles

Not too sure how they get them out of the bottles once they've grown
Muscle WomanMuscle Woman
Muscle Woman

Becca was trying to show off how strong she was until we realised the rock was made out of plastic

These always make mom miss NZ

In the greenhouse

23rd August 2006

Hello Joy, it´s so nice to hear news from you, at the begning I didnt know anything about your trip but after some e-mails I got it. And I got that you r going to live in England, and I´m very happy for´u, please send more and more news, it´s very very good to hear from u..Imiss u a lot, Imiss my life abroad.and who knows and day I´ll see u again. I´d like to send some pictures from my baby for y, where I should send it? Kisses
23rd August 2006

You journals have been a delight, your photos have all been excellent and creative. Safe trip home.
8th September 2006

hey joy, i was just looking through your blogs again, thought i should tell you that your photos are amazing, although you dont really need to hear it again! i've been trying to take some cool pictures recently so i appreciate how hard it is. i'm just hoping it runs in the family. miss ya, bec

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