Tha Ton & Chiang Rai

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Rai
July 29th 2008
Published: July 29th 2008
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Day 12

We travel by public bus to ThaTon, our guesthouse for the evening Boan Suan resort is lovely, beautiful surroundings - gardens and by the river. Not on it this time though thankfully. We spend the day visiting different temples scattered over the hills and viewpoints.

Day 13

Songthaew to Mai Saw which is the most northern point of Thailand. We decided to cross the border to Myanmar (Burma) only have a spare hour and a half and it takes us ages to go through immigration but we get our passport stamped . Myanmar is half an hour infront of Thailand. Only have time to look around a market, get pestered a lot more by kids selling stuff.
We visit Monkey Temple and buy a tub of banana's to feed them. So much fun, try to give more to the little shy one's but quite often the big one's come over and practically grab them from your hands!
Lunch at the Golden Triangle then hop on a long tailed speed boat around the Golden Triangle (this is where the 3 countrys meet, Thailand, Myanmar & Laos. We stop at Laos for a while, sample some snake whiskey, yum! It burns.
Last stop of the day the Opium museam.
Italian for dinner.

Day 14

Hilltribe museam including an interesting slideshow about the history and culture of all the tribes in Thailand. Lunch then off to the Hot Springs.
Dunno what we expected but it was basically two hot pools of chemical steaming water that smelt like egg (sulphur). There was a swimming pool and some of the hot water ran into it so we stayed in there for a bit.
Night time we eat then head to a funky little bar called TeePee. By the end of the night we had tried on wigs. jenga was played, sang along to guys playing the guitar.
The hardcore - Hollie, Jen, Hannah, Matt and Sar decided to party on with some cans of Singha in hotel room. Loud card games followed then had to call time at 4 am due to check out being at 6am.

Day 15

Woken by Matt knocking on the door, apparently we had slept through our wake up calls and everyone was downstairs waiting on us. oops. Still drunk and unwashed we comenced our day of travelling ahead. Ropey journey then McDonalds as soon as we arrive back in Chaingmai. Overnight train back to Bangkok.

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