The Amazing Race: Thailand Style

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Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Chiang Mai
May 8th 2005
Published: August 4th 2005
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Hi everyone!

It's scavenger hunt time! I'm in Chiang Mai right now, and we're doing a day long scavenger hunt! The hunt ends tonight at 8:30 at a drag show in the Night Market...very fitting. There are many ways of gaining points, but out of all of them I really want to see the statue of Queen Victoria in the Foreign Cemetery--not only for points, but because Queen Vicki was just so awesome and bizarre at the same time. Someone who ruled the British Empire, mourned for over 12 years for her husband, and didn't set foot in public for almost that long probably needed therapy. You have to give her credit for being a real hard ass just to keep going. I hope when I see her statue that I will "think of England." If you don't get that phrase, I suggest you look it up.

The highlight of the day so far has been making merit by giving food to a monk in the early morning. How did a foul, ritually unclean woman such as myself give food to a monk, you ask? I RAN HIM DOWN!!! As my partner and I were walking the streets (looking for holy patrons....) we spotted our prey, and I quickly took off on foot after him. I finally cought up to him and offered him some fruit, which he gladly accepted. I waied him (putting your hands together like you are praying) and he said a Buddhist blessing over me. Then he went along on his little monk business.

Other than that, Chiang Mai is a lovely city. It's population is about 500,000 and I like it a lot better than Bangkok. It's homey and a lot cleaner, with a really neat night market. Not to mention the temperature is a lot better!!

Well, gotta go. The race continues!


P.S. I get points for doing this too!


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