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May 12th 2009
Published: May 12th 2009
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so...i have actually done this before but the site crashed and it got lost...BOOOOO!!!

Ok, so Sunday was going to be the chillaxing day. Sit down, read my book, catch up on some stuff etc. A usual Sunday, just in a different country. That plan went to pot! Over a game of shit-head with Ashlie, James and Katy we somehow managed to book a bungee jump for 2ish....EEEEKKKK!!!! No rest for the wicked then!

We get to the bungee jump place and it's only a small jump (50m i think it was..yes it sounds big but the biggest is apparently 260m so not that big when you think about it). Ash goes first! She seemed ok with it, Katy next (Katy is a bungee pro, this is her 4th jump). Me next! I was uber excited, going up in the lift i look down. I won't post what i was saying to myself, the language even offended me. Stood on the edge...3-2-1 lean forward and i was falling (with the bungee of course). It was awesome!!! Nothing like it!! Your eyes feel funny and my balls jumped so high into my body i could practically cough them up. And it was over. About 30secs to 1 minute of bouncing around. Back on some solid ground things returned to normal, balls went back to normal positions, eyes took a bit longer to feel like eyes.

That evening we did some more market action. Met up with Vic as well. Very odd seeing Vic in Thailand...we had a good ol'catch up and chin wag etc in a funky bar.

Now to Monday...first port of call was a Thai Massage. Great fun, first proper massage ever. Starts off ok, then her hands are slowly creeping up my leg...getting higher and higher until she stops either side of a certain area. She looks at me, says something in Thai and smiles...EEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKK!!!! But then she started laughing and working her way back towards my feet. Thank god...thought i was going to get the infamous "happy ending". Rest of the massage was great, bit painful at times though. Kept wondering if i had offended her.
Evening we went to a Thai boxing match. A good group of 8 of us. It went on for hours and was brutal!!! Kids were kicking the living daylights out of each other. The best match had to be three people in a ring blind folded. The ref got hit more times than the other people.
Final match was a yank vs a thai...the yank one with a knockout...and what a knockout. The thai guy was out for about 15mins.

Today is a foot massage and my last day in Chaing Mai. Booked a tour to Laos, so won't be able to update for a few days.

Miss you all


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