Julie says: Trek Talk

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November 22nd 2007
Published: November 22nd 2007
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Ok, so Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

We just got back from a 3 day, 2 night "trek" into Doi Inthanon National Park. Yup, 2 nights in the jungle. Really, it was more of a guided hike than an adventure tour, but cool nonetheless. We started the tour by taking an elephant ride, which I could have lived without and Alex thought was ok. Then we hiked uphill for about 3 hours, up to a village in the mountains and spent the 1st night in a small hut. The second day, we hiked for 4 hours, with long breaks for lunch and spent the night in a waterfall camp. This morning, we hiked out 2 hours to a rafting camp, where we had a very uncomfortable raft ride in a very very dirty river with elephant camps on both sides.

Met amazing people, esp. our tour guide Pot. More on this later, when I'm not so tired. Love to all. Enjoy the pics when we get them up.

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22nd November 2007

Omlet wanted me to tell you....
Happy thanksgiving. And your dead to him. And me. Mostly me. Love and sloppy kisses for alex, coal for julie.
30th November 2007

Doctor, Doctor
Hello Julie and Alex... still having fun? Dennis and i are already back in holland. Can we listen to the recording at julie's guesthouse somewere?

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