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January 21st 2007
Published: January 21st 2007
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The past two days have been really cool.. Yesterday morning we left at 9am and drove first to the markets to gather food for our trek then on to Chiang Dao to begin our trek. It was about 1pm by the time we got to the first village to start the trek. The trek wasn't too bad, we wakled for 15 ks and through two villages. all the villagers wanted to sell us things that were practically all the same so we ended up feeling a little bad when we didn't say yes to everything, apparently their average income is 1500 baht per month which is about $60! They made us dinner and performed a dance/songs for us after dinner.. Then we got to sleep in a hut which was pretty uncomfortable. As it is Thai new year we could hear fireckrackers going off all night a long with the odd gun shot (they hunt for food at night). Then at about 3 am this music started playing through the valley and all these roosters started crowing. Great, Morning I thought - but it was only 3am 😞 After I managed to get bacck to sleep we were awoken again at 8am for breakfast. They had made us watermelon, pineapple, toast and eggs to eat. Then all of a sudden all of these elephants appeared that we were going to ride after breakfast. Quite a funny feeling to be on top of them and they weren't afraid to just stop and start munching on a tree branch. The walk took about 45 mins until we reached the area where we were bamboo rafting down the river. This was really relaxing until one of the rafters who were guiding us down the river decided to start splashing me. Not happy jan!! Afterwards we drove back to chiang mai and had our first 'western meal' since arriving in Thailand. I got spagetti bolognaise and garlic bread. Yum! The girls then walked to one of the zillion day spas where I got an hour long facial/massage for 1000 baht ($35) and now here I am! Tonight we are all going out for dinner and then to the markets again - let me know if you want me to get anything for you.

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Photos: 21, Displayed: 21


2nd Hilltribes2nd Hilltribes
2nd Hilltribes

They all surrounded us and kept asking us to buy stuff!
Kid at the villageKid at the village
Kid at the village

Don't worry..its not real

24th January 2007

Oh the elephants.
Love to have a pic of you on an elephant with the elephant in shot, do you have one? If not maybe one of your friends can give you a copy, I'd really like to have one like that :)

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