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January 4th 2007
Published: January 4th 2007
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Afternoon everyone, we have decided to duck out of the endless sunshine for a quick half hour catching up on a few bits and bobs. We are now in North Thailand in Chiang Mai and we'll be here all week.

We left Bangkok on the 2nd, getting a sleeper train up. Took 14 hours and it was the most comfy train I've ever been on with decent sized bunks, etc. The oinly minor issue was the technical difficulties that delayed us setting off by an hour or so. They couldn't manage to get all the carriages to stick together.

We arrived in Chiang Mai at about 8am, just in time for breakfast and a little tour so we dumped our bags at Ben's Guesthouse (2.82 quid for a night) and set off. Food is lovely and scenery's all pretty decent. Found a place with cheap beer so good allround.

Today we took on an adventure with local transport. We got a bus 56km north to visit an elephant camp. Completely in the middle of nowhere but thankfully the bus driver told us when to get off. Had an elephant ride, fed them some bananas and chilled in the jungle. We then jumped back on a bus heading back along with about 200 other people. Busiest bus I've ever been on.

We're off to learn thai cooking tomorrow from a TV celebrity chef. I wonder if he realises I am also a TV star? Who knows.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and eachother.

Dave & Cathy

P.S. Photos are now fully up to date

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Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


5th January 2007

Hello Mr and Mrs Deane - Glad to hear that you are both happy and well, we had a few worried moments when we worked out your itiniery and realised that you may be in Bangkok at that time - phew! Glad that you are enjoying yourselves and travelling, it looks like you are having a fantastic time, and I have noted the beer tasting and will prepare a selection in Ayustralia for your visit. We can't wait to see you! Until then, enjoy Asia, looking forward to reading the next update. Love and hugs, Lesley and James xxx
6th January 2007

Hi Cathy and Dave - good to hear what you're upto and loving the photos! Even Dave's poor attempts at humour aren't bad..for once..! The elephant trip sounds great, not so sure about the dodgy Thai boxing ring!-? Look forward to hearing more of your adventures and McD's updates. Take care, have a Big Mac for me - Sara xxx

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