Happy New Year!!!

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January 1st 2007
Published: January 1st 2007
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Hey everybody!!
I feel really guilty that the last time I left a blog was Chiang Mai - which was ages and ages ago. Sooo much has happened since then...I will have to type my diary up when I get back to Ubon.

At the moment I am on Koh Chang - with 11 of the other volunteers. We havent really done much just lazied around on the beach because its sooo nice! We have had one day trip snorkeling to see some fish which was fun. We all spent New Year on the beach which was amazing! Here are some pictures - iI dont have many on my camera because my battery ran out - typical!

I hope everybody had a fantastic christmas and New Year. Thank you very much for all the cards, money and christmas pressies everybody sent me - I am very grateful.

Enjoy New Years Day - I am off back to the beach as this is my last day before back to Ubon.
Lots of love
kate xxxxxx

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Photos: 11, Displayed: 11


1st January 2007

Happy New year to you too!
Hey happy new year to you too. Looks all amazing! We've been away for about 4 months (bit less for me as I left after you and was home for 2.5 weeks. It's gone so quick it's scary! we'll be home before we know it! you heard anything from unis yet? I should hear from Peninsula by the end of January...Hope you keep on enjoying yourself! Raph xxx

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