Thanksgiving at the Beach

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November 28th 2006
Published: December 4th 2006
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I am happy to report that Thankgiving came and went with out too much homesickness. Thanksgiving was just another day here. I taught classes all day, went home watched a movie then I got some turkey rice for dinner. So I did have turkey just not the way I would have liked. But I guess there isnt much I can do living here in Taiwan. But as planned Mary, Jason, and I headed south to Kenting for the weekend. After a 4 hour train ride and a 2 hour ride I finally made it to the beach. We walked around and checked out some hotels to find the best price. For 2 nights we paid $2500NT or $75USD, so split 3 ways it was pretty cheap and in a great location. The owners were also very nice! We dropped our stuff and headed out to find dinner. Unfortuanatly on Friday night its not very busy and everything closes pretty early but we found a nice Thai restaurant for dinner. Little did we know what was in store for us. We were enjoying our food when randomly the music got loud and a girl started to dance.... some entertainment with our meal, sounds ok, right. well she started to loose pieces of clothing, til she was down to her bathing suit and shaking it. Mind you there were young children and families here too!
On Saturday we headed to the beach early and stayed there all day. It was wonderful lounging in the water soaking in the sun. In the afternoon we decided to rent scooters and go snorkleing. We rented equipment and headed into the water. it was rough getting in around all the coral. but finally we were in and we were able to see all the amazing fish. we snorkled around a huge rock and the coral reefs around it. the only bad thing was there were jellyfish in the water. so with my great luck i got stung 4 times. not badly but it was pretty painful so after a while i got out of the water a little mad and angry at the stupid jellyfish. whatever i think i had enough sun anyways, so i waited for mare and jason to finish and i took a little rest.
after that we headed home to shower and get ready for dinner. we went to a mexican restaurant for dinner. it was possibly best mexican food i have ever had, ever. after dinner i was so tired so mary and i decided to take a short nap then hit the town for shopping. well 14 hours later at 8am the next morning i awoke. yeah we wasted the entire night, oh well we were pretty toasted from the day and needed our rest. we headed back to the beach on sunday for a bit more sun and photo ops. after our time at the beach we went to the hotel got our things together did a bit of shopping then caught a shuttle home. the owner of our hotel, had a brother who drove the shuttle back and forth to kaohsiung. well we will never take that again. it was the scariest ride of my life especially when they left us in the van alone with it running. anyone could have stolen us! well we finally made it back to the city and a caught a bus home.

summary of the weekend:
kenting is beautiful beyond words to describe it
i hate jellyfish, they hurt
use suncreen it was invented for a reason
aloe is expensive here, probably because foreigners are the only idiots who get burned
the best mexican food is in Kenting not the states
family fun some times includes strippers in taiwan
14 hours naps.......
the trip has inspired me to move to thailand and live in a bungalo for 6 months and not work and just be a beach bum with mary.
i love the beach

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10th December 2006

How Lovely.
You still look the same as always little one.
15th December 2006

I know its been a while but your blog still entertainms me like no other :) Im so happy to hear that you are having fun and discovering a totally new culture... By the way, how long are you going to stay there? Miss u lots and wish u the best... cant wait to hear about your xmas and new year's adventures!!!

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