Steve's Birthday!

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November 10th 2006
Published: November 11th 2006
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Steve's birthday fell on our parent teacher interviews night; not the most useful day to have your birthday on. He did get a nice breakfast which his lovely wife got up early to make, and his department surprised him with Baskin Robbins ice cream and sang him happy birthday in the middle of interviews (kinda fun!). We celebrated his birthday by hosting a grape juice and cheese party at our appartment. We had a lot of people stop by for food and to wish Steve a happy birthday. It was a neat mixture of people - we have friends who are first year teachers up to friends who are grandparents, and every stage of life in between. Kids were playing cards in our bedroom, babies were being passed around, young adults were scarfing down pizza in the kitchen and everyone was chatting and connecting with each other. Even though we said not to give gifts, Steve got a new tie, a giant Hershey chocolate bar (I was super excited), a new clipboard for coaching, a men's room sign, and a selection of Korean drinks for him to try out. He had a great time. Afterwards we headed out to the noribon (like kareoke) with four of the younger teachers. We sang the night away. Steve sang lots of guns and roses songs and I sang Sweet Caroline. We sang Brown eyed girl together, and I picked out "Thank God I'm a country boy" by John Denver to sing with Dan because it reminded me of my dad. It was kind of a funny experience, because they were picking songs I kinda recognized but didn't really know, and I realized this was because they are songs that my sister Kathy listened to when she was younger. And then it occured to me that all the people I was hanging out with were her age, not mine. And then they hadn't hear of Tiffany or the Bangles, and then I had my first "I'm getting old" moment. Weird. Anyway, good times were had by all. Steve and I tried to sing "M bop" by the hansens, but neither of us really knew how the song went except the chorus; it was pretty funny. Happy 28th Steve!!

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