Pizza and INSANE cats!

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March 15th 2008
Published: March 15th 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: Night Time Serenade 32 secs
We made the pizza and it was DELICIOUS! Mike and Natasha arrived around 7:30 and by then Claire had finished the dough and we were waiting for it to rise...and waiting and waiting and waiting! It finally did after many minutes of nail biting! We thought we were going to have some very thin crusts! We hung out in our very tiny kitchen and talked, as is the case any time people gather, glad to see the kitchen gatherings exist outside of Canada! We all get along really well so it's been very easy, I really can't stress enough just how happy I am with the people I find myself in close proximity with here. I mean I have great coworkers a great boss and a pretty great apartment.
The best thing about the night was probably the insanity that is the wild street cats! I seriously think that they meet up in back streets and decide to all reach this incredibly painful pitch that sounds a bit like a crying child mixed with a pack of wolves! And they go on and on and on like this for what seems like hours, then they stop for a bit and just
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Pizza number one in the oven
when you realize that it's finally quiet one starts up again followed by the rest of the Krazy Kat Klan, yes I just wrote that!
Anyway I took some pics of the evening and THERE IS ONE OF ME PEOPLE SO SETTLE DOWN I REALLY AM HERE! Also there is a little video of our nightly street music! Enjoy!

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pizza's 2 and 3, the one had fresh pineapple on it and Mike didn't think it tasted right, if only I had captured his expression because it was CLASSIC!
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I made a salad with purple cabbage, red onions, cucumber and tomatoes with a mustard dressing
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Claire enjoying her pizza Korean style
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Natasha will eat anything you put in front of her, especially because she is pregnant! But she doesn't wait for anything to cool off! I found this pic funny because she realized that the food was waaaay to hot after she put it in her mouth and the steam is rising from my piece in the foreground!
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mmm greek pizza with chopsticks
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Mike "we're all drunk off crust" we were all happy and full and laughing after and he came up with that gem!

29th March 2008

Drunk off crust...definitely a happy high! be done again soon very very soon. And the steam picture really is awesome- truly classic. And Mom...that really was the sound outside our window for about two to three weeks (although it seems to have subsided for now, knock on wood!). As an expert, is it safe to say that may be the chorus of felines in heat? Truly....mindblowing! And ear-irritating! :)

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