Long day and good food!

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March 13th 2008
Published: March 13th 2008
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Sally and Emma
Today we had a birthday party for all of the March birthdays. I had 2 students with birthdays, Willy and Lily...yes I laughed too! Basically instead of having the 4th and final period for the morning students we gather in the one large classroom and sing happy birthday to all the children. They wear traditional Korean outfits and the kids chow down on quite a spread bought by the parents. The birthday cakes are INSANE, I remember bringing cupcakes not gourmet creations! The older kids had a chocolate cake and the younger kids had a vanilla cake. Both were immaculately decorated with fruit and shaved chocolate.
After school we had a game review for the teachers because everyone plays the games differently. Then we went out for our first official staff dinner at this restaurant where we sat on the floor! It was interesting, by the end of dinner my lower back was killing me but the food was the best I've had so far so it was worth it! Basically each person got about 8 lettuce leaves with a little ball of rice, a bowl of very thin raw beef and a variety of dipping sauces. In the middle of the table is a soup and you stick the beef in to cook it, then wrap it up with the rice and lettuce. After all of that is gone you add noddles to the soup and kimchi which I wasn't crazy about at first but it was DELICIOUS! We also had some Korean beer which is about as strong as American beer and is sweeter then anything I'm used to but it was surprisingly good as well.
Oh and for the record mom Aurora was very impressed with my flight price! She said she's never heard of one being so cheap.
Anyway tomorrow it's finally Friday which I am so excited about because Claire is staying this weekend so I will hopefully get to know her and the city a little more. So far I'm a huge fan of both! Mike and Natasha are taking me to Costco to stock up on necessities and useless crap, then it's back here to make pizza.

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Willy, I love this kid!
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Lily and Willy
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Anny and Eddie I had done art with Eddie's class before the party and I'm pretty sure he'll have a pink thumb for a few days!
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Dinner front left Aurora, Irene, Claire, Anny, Alyssa Front right Janney, a very pregnant Natasha, Mike and Annette
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Our soup pre noodles (I don't remember what it's called!)
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my wrap, there were lots of mushrooms in the broth so I was excited!

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