Arrival on 'Turtle Island'

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Asia » Malaysia » Terengganu » Perhentian Besar
September 6th 2007
Published: September 14th 2007
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On the boatOn the boatOn the boat

At the jetty at Kuala Besut
Up no-so-bright and early on Thursday after a jetlagged, sleepless night at the Number 8 Guesthouse for our journey to Turtle Island. Good job my roomie Julie got up at the right time because my alarm didn't work for some reason! (Don't worry it works now!)

Got the taxi to KL airport, where we had Burger King for breakfast (chicken royale, yum) and got on the plane for the hour-long journey to the north of Malaysia- only to get off the plane again as there had been a technical malfunction! Good job really because one of the girls, Katie, had overslept and had to meet us at the airport...

After an hour wait (and a plane change) we flew to Kota Bharu. Had a hot bumpy ride to the east coast - Kuala Besut, where we loaded up the boat with our bags and set off on another bumpy ride to the Perhentian Islands - our home for the next month! Absolutely gorgeous scenes - deserted islands and turquoise seas. When we turned into our island it was like the island on Lost - huge green jungle and large rocks! I said to the others 'I wonder if there'll be any polar bears?!'

After a toasted sandwich & dropping off our bags at our huts - a fairly small basic room with bunk beds, toilet, sink and shower - we went snorkelling round the reef which was fab. Saw lots of Nemos, a puffer fish - and a SHARK! I nearly swallowed loads of water when I saw it. Apparently there aren't any really dangerous sea creatures - but we'll see...! Got washed up on the coral at one point - OUCH! Got some lovely scratches and bruises to go with the scar already on my knee!! Couldn't wait to go diving after seeing the marine life that was just around this area.

Spent the evening chatting with the others and playing cards (everyone loves the card designs on the ones you bought me, Donna - thanks!) Unfortunately two of the ladies had some valuables taken out of their hut when we were snorkelling (they had a broken window already) so made sure all our important things were in the safe.

Came back to my hut to find a HUUUUGE spider in my hat!! Took two people (neither of them me) to get it out the
Neighbouring IslandsNeighbouring IslandsNeighbouring Islands

Beautifully framed by Sarah's hands!
room. Ran like lightening (the spider, not me!) so set up my mozzie net as best I could on the bottom bunk. Think this month I'm going to get to know the wildlife well!

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


The 'Lost' IslandThe 'Lost' Island
The 'Lost' Island

Can you see any polar bears? Or Sawyer?!
Beach LifeBeach Life
Beach Life

Natalie, Tracey and Gemma chilling out on the first day

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