Jungle here we come

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October 24th 2007
Published: December 23rd 2007
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Got up early this morning and got on our bus to the jungle... AHHHHHH! It took about 5 hours to arrive at Batang AI, we had a few stops on the way at some food markets, which was delicious. We had to wait over an hour for the long boats to arrive, Liz and Rose did not join us on this part of the trip, so there was me, Faye, Sarah, Gemma, Leo (our guide) and unfortunately for us Howard and Fiona which you will understand when you read more of my jungle stay.

Three longboats arrived to pick us all up, I shared one with Howard and Fiona, they were quite scary and very unstable, it took over an hour to get to our home for the week, but the views were amazing, just jungle, blue skies and lots of river. We were shown around the Long house and our room, I'm sharing with faye, Gemma and Sarah, it's really nice and has just been built. We have proper showers and western toilets, woo hoo.

We sat down for dinner and were introduced to some of the Iban tribe, Jon is our translator and chef who is lovely. The teenagers there are great, Eko and kalal are awesome and Angoon who is one of the older ones is fantastic, we spent the night playing Uno, they kept plying us with a drink called Langkau, which was foul, but it was rude to turn it down, everytime you had a shot you had to sho OHA and everybody else shouts it too... so much fun. Howard and Fiona went to bed early and the rest of us continued playing Uno and drinking. Leo said they must like us as they stayed late and if they do like us they'll come over every night, they live on the other side of the river, I went to bed about midnight as had terrible cold and sore throat, I heard Howard and Fiona get up and complain about the noise, which ended up in the tribe leaving and going back to their longhouse.


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