Melaka - Day 5

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September 8th 2010
Published: September 8th 2010
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6th September 2010
We got up and left the hostel about 9.30am and set off to find some breakfast. We were recommended place called Limau - which was a few streets away.
After breakfast we visited the Endure and Beauty museum which explained how other cultures perceive beauty. It was very fascinating to see the lengths they go to, too feel ‘beautiful’ - we saw things from ear, nose, lip, head and neck stretching to permanent scaring and foot binding.
After we had finished the museum we realised there was a pretty big storm going on outside. We waited an hour for it to calm down before making a run for the mall. We spend another hour or so at the mall whist the storm was coming to an end and then made our way to the Melaka Revolving Tower. It is a huge tower where you spin 360˚ all the way up to the top, it takes about 7 minutes to get to the top and you can literally see the whole city. On our way up we saw a 50m swimming pool a few streets away so decided to go for a swim in the afternoon. The pool was pretty warm for an outdoor pool, we swam for about half an hour and then realised we were the only females in the pool - I’m guessing because it’s a Muslim area?
Later on in the evening we met up with the others and went for dinner in the mall. We didn’t have much of a selection as we got there late and quite a few stalls had packed up. After dinner we went on the river boat trip to see a bit more of the city. It took about 20 minutes to go down the river and another 20 minutes back.
Back to the hostel to pack up and get ready for our early start in the morning.

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