Scuba Diving - Onna ToiletBowl

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November 15th 2008
Published: November 17th 2008
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Scuba Diving - Onna ToiletBowl

The fishermen were out in mass today at Onna ToiletBowl! Instead of floating south to Horseshoe Beach, my dive buddy and I changed our plans and decided to stay in the same spot. We didn't really see an interest in getting tied up in the fishing lines and wrecking a perfectly good day of diving. The water was extremely calm and it was a beautiful day outside so it didn't surprise me when I saw all the fishing poles sticking out of the rocks when we arrived.

Onna ToiletBowl proved to be a solid dive site once again. Visibility was probably aroudn 50 ft. and the temperature was about 78/79. I ended up putting on my new 3mm dive suit because I knew the water would be chilly (it's been slowly getting colder and colder). Although our first dive was pretty much a flop, the second dive was packed full of interesting things to see. The current took us out farther than we had ever previously been, yet our return to our exit point wasn't difficult by any means. We swam across one sea turtle (which my dive buddy nearly touched!) and a cuttlefish. Both were well hidden along the coral. The sea turtle was resting of some coral...basically just chilling out. It didn't swim away from us until we were about 15 feet from it. The cuttlefish was so well hidden along the coral that I had to literally swim over it before I noticed it. The cuttlefish had managed to change its coloring to match perfectly with its surroundings. Because it didn't seem to be very threatened, I ended up getting pretty close and taking lots of pictures. The cuttlefish seemed to love all the attention I was giving it. It posed for my pictures (which I took incessantly) and we ended up having to leave the area because we were getting low on air.

I also saw a HUGE lionfish. It must have been a foot and a half to two feet long. It was hanging out under a ledge when I spotted it. These fish are fearless and you literally have to try and touch them to make them move. That being said, I was able to get down real close to it for photos. I got a few shots of the entire fish and then decided to get a close up of it's face. It's just amazing how beautiful these fish are!

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